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Mission Viejo Animal Services Officers rescue muzzled dog that had been on the loose for three days

dog and ASO

A loose dog that had been muzzled and wandering the streets of Rancho Santa Margarita for three days was safely captured Wednesday by Mission Viejo Animal Services Officers. 

After receiving reports of the German Shepherd mix spotted around Robinson Ranch Road, Mission Viejo Animal Services Officers immediately began tracking the young dog and set up traps before organizing an effort with all available Animal Services Officers to locate and safely capture the dog.   

“We were very concerned for this dog’s welfare … since he was muzzled, he couldn’t eat, drink or defend himself,” said Mission Viejo Animal Services Supervisor Kyle Werner “We have a lot of questions for the dog’s owner as to how he ended up in this situation.”  

The underweight dog, named by staff as "Robinson" for the area it was captured, is undergoing medical evaluation and treatment at a local veterinarian.   

Anyone with information about the dog is asked to contact the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center at 949-470-3045. The center proudly and proactively serves the cities of Mission Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills and Aliso Viejo.  


Submitted by Monette Vahtie… on Thu, 01/19/2023 - 6:59 pm


A million kudos to MV Animal Services for hanging in with this pup to see it safe . God bless you all ! (ps ...it looks a lot like my own GSD/Cattle Dog mix :) )

Submitted by Marina Chen on Thu, 01/19/2023 - 7:12 pm


Oh my Gosh!! Thank you for rescuing this poor little baby. How cruel to have him that way. Can't believe somebody would do that to a dog. Thank you for saving him.

Submitted by Theresa Salazar on Fri, 01/20/2023 - 10:09 am


Thank you for saving this poor animal. Why would someone muzzle an innocent dog. Kudos and love to Mission Viejo rescue services. Please save this precious dog.

Submitted by Kris on Sun, 01/22/2023 - 11:50 am


I have to add my thanks to the rest of them. It breaks my heart that someone would leave a dog unable to even drink. Those muzzles aren't supposed to be on for more than about 20 mins. I hope Robinson goes to a great home. I think Robinson is a great name for a dog!

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