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Council approves plans that will benefit our community in numerous ways

council members, young kim, staff and veteran

The City Council on Tuesday approved a cost-sharing plan for much-needed facilities as well as a plan that will ultimately bring sports tourism and revenue from around the globe to Mission Viejo.   

As previously reported by the City on January 26 and March 9, the plans and costs that Assistant City Manager Keith Rattay discussed in detail at the January 24 City Council meeting regarding Santa Margarita Water District’s Oso Creek Water Treatment Plant and City Administrative/Storage Building were presented to the Council for consideration of an agreement. In a 4-1 vote, the Council approved the plan that dates to 2021. The City’s original corporate yard was part of the Santa Margarita Water District’s former water treatment plant, which was one of the original plants in Orange County. In 2020, the water district informed the City it would tear down the outdated plant to replace it with a new facility that will treat a higher capacity of water more efficiently with a smaller footprint. Like other municipalities, the corporate yard had been part of the City for decades. Essential to City operations, it’s the base for the City fleet; emergency response purposes; maintenance; and other needs. The agreement the Council approved on Tuesday will cover the construction of the new Corp Yard Administration/Storage building for the City, and the project will include the Administration and Storage Building, a new access road, parking lot and recreational open space easement to support future expansion of the Oso Creek Trail System within the Core of the City. 

In addition, the Council unanimously approved Mayor Brian Goodell’s upcoming representation at the Oceania National Olympic Committee’s General Assembly in Brisbane, Australia.  Rick Blas, Executive Director of the Oceania National Committee, which represents 17 countries, was impressed with the City’s Olympic tradition and state-of-the-art facilities for hosting international athletes while visiting Mission Viejo last month and invited the Mayor to take part in committee’s General Assembly. Having delegations of athletes from other countries live and train in Mission Viejo in the years leading up to the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles would result in a boost to the local economy and other numerous benefits, which could make Mission Viejo an even more attractive place to live, visit, and conduct business.  

In other Council news, 97-year-old World War II veteran William Simonoff was recognized for his vast efforts by the Council, U.S. Representative Young Kim and Supervisor Don Wagner. The highly decorated U.S. Army Sergeant was also honored with the “Medal of Chevalier dans l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur" at the French Consulat.      

The City Council normally meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Residents are encouraged to attend City Council meetings, which are streamed live on the City's website and air on Cox Channel 30 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99.  Stay tuned to the City's social media sites for up-to-date news and information.


Submitted by Terri Aprati on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 9:36 pm


Do any of our MV residents receive water from the Santa Margarita Water District? I am not aware.
You left the word “Vision” out of “the core of the city.” It’s the Core Vision Plan, right? The council’s core vision plan that we taxpayers didn’t vote on.
Couldn’t our mayor have a zoom call, instead of traveling on MV taxpayer dollars to AUSTRALIA?? Companies are using zoom in lieu of travel. Seriously!!
I’m pleased the council recognized a WWII veteran. The other council actions I mentioned above, not so much.

Submitted by Antoine van de… on Fri, 03/17/2023 - 9:41 am


"was impressed with the City’s Olympic tradition and state-of-the-art facilities for hosting international athletes"
Are you kidding here? The #1 sport in terms of participants, kids and adults, is soccer! There are NO changing facilities at ANY of the soccer fields - Not even port-a-potties!
A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to have the national teams of Chile and Peru train for a major soccer tournament in LA. We were turned down because the "World Cup" fields were in an appalling state and there were not even any changing facilities!
Isn't it time we start spending some money in updating our soccer facilities?

Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Fri, 03/17/2023 - 3:49 pm


Mission Viejo has a rich history steeped in sports. Like the Nadadores, the 1994 Olympics was before cityhood. Our tax dollars were not "donated" for the cause. No one was sent on joy rides around the world to bring Olympic events to our community.

As elected representatives, our council members are expected to make informed decisions, unimpeded by conflicts of interest, partiality, personal agendas or prejudice.

To do this, they must conduct our governmental affairs openly, honestly, and fairly.

The Mission Viejo Olympics Committee, which was created on November 14, 2017 by Wendy Bucknum, appears to be a stealth committee.

Without posted agendas or official Minutes, is this an unlawful committee?

Its initial members were Brian Goodell, Planning Commissioner Bob Breton, Jerry Henberger, an executive with a Mission Viejo real estate firm, and Jim Montrella, an Olympic coach and a member of the Nadadore Foundation Board of Directors.

The report that Mayor Goodell presented on March 14, 2023, was crafted to assure Councils' approval to send him and a consultant to Australia to attend an Olympic meeting.

This process was fast tracked before the public could become engaged and react. And once again, this council succumbed to special interest.

What are the goals of this Olympic committee and what are the benefits for the citizens?

The goal expressed by Mr. Henberger was that the City should have a place at the table. He suggested a non-profit be formed and reach out to the Los Angeles Olympic Committee, US Olympic Committee, the City of Los Angeles and sponsors of the Olympic games. Were those actions taken and what were the results?

Brian Goodell indicated that he wanted Mission Viejo to be an Olympic training site.

Why do our Council Members want to host foreign athletes from the Oceania National Olympic Committee and not our own athletes from the good ol' USA ?

Submitted by Barbara Hosmer on Fri, 03/17/2023 - 4:35 pm


i second dropping some love on our soccer fields. i'm not around them any more...except the Olympic field...but they've always been rough. maybe the adults could show a little mature patience and wait a while for a pickleball court so the kids could have a better experience?
and i think santa margarita cuts in out near the lake somewhere terri. i know they work WITH the lake. and then, of course, there's the money they bring to the core vision deal...
and did i just miss it? or were there no $$$ mentioned?

Submitted by Bob Andrews on Mon, 03/27/2023 - 4:53 pm


I have to disagree with Antoine’s comments, I am a 25 year volunteer with AYSO Region 84 here in MV. Perhaps he hasn’t been on the fields since his experience with World Cup 2 years ago but the City currently has restroom facilities at the following soccer fields- Beebe, Gilleran, Curtis, Flo Jo, Youth Athletic Fields (across from the lake), Melinda, Oso Complex (7 fields surrounding Newhart School and Community Center), Pavion (Reilly School) and World Cup.

There are 4 neighborhood parks we use for soccer without restrooms. Yes, it would be great to have restrooms built in these parks but I could only imagine the costs involved and the potential opposition from the neighbors. We also use 2 school locations that do not have their restrooms open for use on weekends. Porta Potties are not an option in my opinion. Who will clean them and how often? Also, vandals enjoy dumping them over for kicks.

Our soccer fields get lots of use throughout the year. We work closely with the city to try and prevent damage when possible. We stay off the fields when they get soaked from rain so that the fields stay nice and safe for play. Yes, there are some fields or parks that can use some additional TLC but the city continues to work on improvements for all fields. Just look around at other cities and check out the fields they play on. When we have our annual MV Classic tournament, we have teams from all over California and other states and we continue to hear feedback on the incredible condition of our fields. Again, we can always improve some but I’ll take our fields anytime even with the damage that e-bikes and trucks have caused while driving on the fields.

He mentioned World Cup and the condition 2 years ago. World Cup has numerous events at that location and not just soccer. It was closed down for a while so they could completely renovate the fields. I know they spent a great deal of time and energy working on World Cup. Perhaps you should come down and look at the completed fields and see how great they look.

I believe the City of Mission Viejo provides outstanding facilities for residents even if some can be improved but I will pick our soccer fields over any other city.

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