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July 4th safety reminders for pet owners

dog with july 4 sunglasses on

Since Independence Day falls on a Tuesday this year, Mission Viejo Animal Services is expecting a long weekend of festivities.  Remember to prepare your pets for the parties early this year, starting Saturday, July 1 and continuing through Tuesday, July 4.

Here are some safety tips to help keep your dogs and cats happy and healthy as you celebrate this 4th of July:

  • Keep them home - because fireworks are loud and can damage a dog's hearing, do not take your pet with you. Leave dogs indoors in a safe and secure room. Do not leave pets outside, even in a fenced yard as they could escape because they are so terrified by the noise.
  • Keep them safe indoors – leave a TV or radio on to help block out the sound of fireworks and make sure all windows are closed.
  • Keep proper ID on your pets – have your dog's tags on at all times. Microchip dogs and cats. If they do escape from your home, animal services can get them back to you with proper identification.
  • Treats – human foods and other 4th of July treats and alcoholic beverages can be harmful to your pet . Keep them in a place your pet cannot get to and do not allow others to give your pets human food as treats. Keep dog treats on hand instead.
  • Exercise your dog early in the day before fireworks begin.
  • Keep charcoal and glow sticks far from curious canines.

The Animal Services Center will be closed on July 4 in observance of Independence Day. Limited staff will be available to respond to emergency calls only. For assistance or to report your pet missing during the holiday, call 949-470-3045.

The center will reopen on Wednesday, July 5 at noon.


Submitted by Dave Burton on Sat, 06/24/2023 - 2:33 pm


It's really hard to find a place without fireworks for my dogs and they can't stand it. Maybe we will just drive on the freeway for hours. Got some dog CBD chews but still the loud explosions are brutal for them. It's the worst holiday ever for us dogs.

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