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Projects that will help improve safety in the area approved by City Council on Tuesday

Council Meeting Update

The City Council on Tuesday approved plans for street-enhancement funding and safety improvements.

The Council gave City staff the green light to apply to the Orange County Transportation Authority for grant funding for an Alicia Parkway traffic signal synchronization project. Traffic signal synchronization is an engineering technique of matching traffic signal green lights at successive intersections to maximize passage of motorists along a corridor. It allows for minimal stopping which helps reduce travel times. Cars use less gas because stop-and-go travel and idling at red lights is reduced. Vehicle emissions are reduced because cars run more efficiently. The Alicia Parkway project will provide an update of a 2014 synchronization effort and is a cooperative effort with the cities of Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo and Caltrans. The traffic signal infrastructure improvements will include audible pedestrian push buttons, enhanced GPS emergency vehicle preemption systems and other improvements that will benefit the community.

To slow motorists, the Council approved a request to install speed humps on Montanoso Drive between Oso and Estanciero. Several residents spoke about the need for this traffic improvement that will provide more safety to the area.

During the presentation portion of the meeting, October 15-21 was proclaimed as National Friends of the Libraries Week; the Mission Viejo Library accepted a donation from the Friends of the Library; and Chief of Police Services Captain Chris McDonald spoke and shared a video about the upcoming 35th annual Walk Against Drugs on October 21.

Council meetings normally take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Meetings are streamed live on the City’s website and air on Cox Channel 30 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99. Residents are encouraged to sign up for the City's eNewsletter and follow the City's official social media sites for the most accurate, up-to-date information.


Submitted by Jan Oldfield on Wed, 10/18/2023 - 2:03 pm


What are the chances of synchronizing the lights on La Paz from the 5 fwy to Marguerite Pkwy? The drive up and down this street is a mess!!!

Submitted by Susan Massey on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 8:25 am


There is a huge need for speed bumps along Pradera Drive. We have witnessed numerous vehicular collisions in the past few months at the intersection of Pradera and Pericia even though there is a clearly marked crosswalk and signage alerting drivers to the presence of three schools bordering one another along the street. I suggest installing speed bumps between La Paz and the school crosswalk on Pradera to slow traffic entering from La Paz as well as speed bumps between Esperanza and the Middle School.

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