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Remember to report coyote encounters directly to Mission Viejo Animal Services

coyote in grass field

In light of the many coyote encounters posted on various social media platforms, the City is reminding residents to report such encounters directly to the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center to ensure coyote activity is tracked and appropriate actions are taken. If you encounter a coyote, report it online here

Known for their adaptability and resilience, coyotes are common in both rural and urban areas. These intelligent animals are typically wary of humans but can pose a threat to pets if left unattended, especially small dogs and cats. Ensuring pet safety in coyote-prone areas requires awareness, preventative measures, and community cooperation. 

Coyotes are most active during dawn and dusk, though they can be seen at any time. They are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will take advantage of easy food sources, including pet food, garbage, and small animals. To protect pets, it's essential to keep them indoors and on leash and supervised closely when outside. 

Here are some key tips for safety in areas with coyote activity: 

1. Secure Feeding Areas: Avoid leaving pet food or water outside, as this can attract coyotes. Feed pets indoors or remove any food dishes immediately after feeding. 

2. Proper Waste Management: Keep garbage in secure containers and avoid composting meat scraps, as the smell can lure coyotes into residential areas. 

3. Pet Supervision: Always accompany pets outside, especially during dawn, dusk, and nighttime. Keep dogs on a six foot leash during walks and avoid areas where coyotes have been known to be sighted. 

5. Nighttime Precautions: Install motion-activated lights or sprinklers to deter coyotes from approaching your property at night. 

6. Noise and Deterrents: Make loud noises or use coyote deterrents like whistles, air horns, or garden hoses if you spot a coyote nearby. These can scare them away and reinforce their natural fear of humans. 

7. Community Awareness: Work with neighbors to share information about coyote sightings and collectively implement safety measures. Educating the community about coyote behavior and deterrent strategies can enhance overall safety. Report encounters to animal services. 

8. Pet Training: Teach pets to come when called and discourage them from chasing wildlife. Training can be crucial in preventing potentially dangerous encounters. 

While coyotes are a natural part of the ecosystem, pet owners can take proactive steps to ensure their pets' safety. By understanding coyote behavior, securing homes and yards, and fostering community cooperation, we can minimize risks and coexist peacefully with these adaptable animals. 

For more information, visit the living with wildlife section of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife website.


Submitted by Private on Thu, 06/13/2024 - 8:55 pm


But then a resident apparently reported his missing pet python snake (he posted on Next Door app & said he alerted animal services & police) & no alerts to community on that? Has it been found? What is animal services doing to find it so other pets & residents safe?

Submitted by City Staff on Fri, 06/14/2024 - 11:41 am


Thank you for your comment on the News page. On June 11, the resident noted in the comment made contact with Animal Services to report his domestic pet snake was missing from his home. MVAS immediately sent an Animal Control Officer to meet with the owner and to investigate the situation. Contact was made with the owner, and he was provided information about safely and securely housing his snake. The snake was found the following day in his owners yard.

Reticulated pythons such as the previously missing snake are considered pets and are legal to own in the State of California.

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