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Volunteers band together for Muirlands wall project

people working on the wall

The private wall on the west side of Muirlands between Marathon and Los Alisos is getting a fresh coat of paint thanks to some folks who came together to beautify the area.

The effort stemmed from a resident who contacted the City on behalf of 30 homeowners who were unhappy with the private wall's appearance - it had been tagged with graffiti numerous times and was covered with mismatched paint. 

The group was communicating through the social media site Nextdoor, which connects neighbors based on their addresses. 

"They felt the wall had become an eyesore and hoped something could be done to improve its appearance," said Public Services Operations Manager Jerry Hill.  "We decided this would be a great community service project and began pursuing potential volunteer groups."

Ultimately, a real estate agent in the area stepped in to help find volunteers for the neighborhood project.  She quickly found a local painting contractor who offered his services.  The City provided all the paint and materials, and the project began on September 22. The final section and finishing touches will be completed this weekend.

This City is grateful to the folks involved for making a difference in our community.


Submitted by Gail Fasi on Thu, 09/27/2018 - 3:41 pm


The wall looks great! I'll be joining the other volunteers this Saturday to finish the wall on Muirlands and Heath.

Submitted by Michele on Fri, 09/28/2018 - 2:57 pm


I think this idea is great and really helps the looks of the neighborhood. I have always thought that if I backed up a street that had different colors of block wall Etc, I would gather my neighbors and do something similar because of how much better it would look

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