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Setting the record straight

Envision the heard of Mission Viejo Presentation

The Mission Viejo City Council has addressed misinformation presented or discussed on various social media sites stemming from a recent flier circulated throughout town regarding the future vision for the City's core area.

On March 28, the City Council approved the Core Area Vision Plan, designed to enhance the heart of Mission Viejo.  Moving forward, there are many additional steps following the City Council's recent approval of the Core Area Vision Plan Report that must take place before any improvement occurs. Three different plans were presented, but the action moving forward is geared to "Embracing the Creek," which involves the smallest degree of change to the area.  Next steps entail entering into agreements with Santa Margarita Water District to study the feasibility of a repurposed water treatment facility off La Paz Road as well as engineering agreements for the Core Area property boundaries map and creek plans related to constraints and engineering design for grading, drainage and utilities. Our City will have to identify funding mechanisms and work with the Southern California Association of Governments for grant funding.

The City would like to reiterate: NO housing is proposed as part of the Vision Plan for the core of Mission Viejo. No high-density, no low-density, no affordable housing, no housing period.  The civic core Vision Plan is the culmination of nearly a year-long comprehensive public outreach effort to understand the needs of residents of this community and of the core area property owners. The plan is not a regulatory document. It respects property rights and is simply a vision - presenting possibilities of what the core area could ultimately be. Based on extensive resident and property owner input, the vision is a conceptual framework of strategies and options for: open space; connecting to the creek; creating a central gathering place; enhancing community aesthetics; creating a walkable village; connecting our civic and retail core; providing a healthy blend of uses with more restaurants, shopping opportunities and cultural arts activities. The residents and business owners are working hard with City staff to keep our quality of life the best in the county. That is what the vision is about.

Despite huge public transparency and even after the March 28th Mission Viejo City Council meeting where a factual report was presented about the vision, some confused or disruptive individuals are continuing to spread blatant mistruths about the shopping areas being converted to high-density residential uses. The City of Mission Viejo and City Council assure you this statement is FALSE.  Public transparency, information and outreach has always been a hallmark of the City of Mission Viejo, and the City proudly uses multiple communication channels every single day to keep people informed, educated and engaged.

Watch the Council discussion and stay tuned to our news page at https://cityofmissionviejo.org/news for additional "official" and accurate City news and information.

For more information, contact cd@cityofmissionviejo.org or 949-470-3053.


Submitted by Trena Berrier on Mon, 04/17/2017 - 10:57 am


I have been following the discussion on our neighborhood chat regarding the redevelopment project. My husband and I embrace the City's concept for "Core Area." This central location and walkable shopping area are the only things missing in Mission Viejo's plan. This is wonderful place to live and the core area project will only add to the many attributes this city already has to offer. We particularly like that we live walking distance to the location designated for the re-developement.

Submitted by Lisa on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 12:36 pm


This is all happy propaganda
tell us what you really want to do and let the "core city" nearby residents vote for it.

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