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Beloved Community Services Coordinator is Mission Viejo’s 2017 Employee of the Year

Carren Chaney

Carren Chaney, a longtime Community Services Coordinator, has been named Mission Viejo’s 2017 Employee of the Year.
A 12-year employee of the City, Carren is known as a role model and someone who exemplifies customer service.
She is responsible for hiring, training and evaluating lifeguards at the City’s recreation centers. Among other duties, Carren enhances programming options at the facilities and citywide special events and works diligently to ensure the City’s vision is implemented every day.
In fact, Carren rarely misses a day of work. She is always one of the first people in the door and the last to leave. She coordinates more than 50 schedules and leads her staff by example.  It’s essential to Carren to help employees grow and thrive, so she constantly looks for new opportunities to develop part-time and entry-level staff.  Her influence on her peers is evident – many consider her a strong mentor, leader and faithful friend.
Carren’s imprint on this community is just as profound. Always with a smile on her face, she makes it a point to greet and know members by name – and they know hers too. It’s not unusual for folks to say hello, share their life stories or stop by to chat with Carren before a workout.  She also takes special care of people who are aging, hearing or vision impaired and those with behavioral or mental disabilities to ensure they can also fully enjoy our programs.
“The recreation centers have created a culture of exceptional customer service (internal and external), creating quality programs that improve the quality of life of our community and increase awareness of our facilities and services we provide outside the recreation centers … Carren lives and breathes this message and is a true asset to the City of Mission Viejo,” said her supervisor Ashley Blair.


Submitted by Donna Moon on Thu, 12/07/2017 - 6:07 pm


I’m a fitness instructor for both Sierra and Montanoso Recreation centers. I must say Carren is always pleasant and very reliable. She deserves this recognition.