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Provide input on proposed changes that would eliminate OCTA bus route 86 in Mission Viejo

OCTA bus

As part of OC Bus 360º, the Orange County Transportation Authority has proposed a plan to reallocate services to meet demand and optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of overall bus service. As a result of this plan, route 86 through Mission Viejo would be eliminated in February 2020.

The proposed route changes would delete the segment east of Jeronimo Road and Los Alisos Boulevard and terminate route 86 at Laguna Hills Transportation Center.

OCTA is seeking the public's input on these recommended changes at a hearing to be held Monday, June 10, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. at OCTA Headquarters Board Room (Conference Room 07-08) 550 South Main St., Orange, CA 92863.

Additional information on the Proposed Bus Service Plan is available online or residents can call (714) 636-RIDE. You can also provide comments online or mail them to: OCTA, Attn: Marketing, Rm 722, 600 S. Main St., P.O. Box 14184, Orange, CA 92863-1584.


Submitted by Lisanne Larsen on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 4:45 pm


I have lived in Mission Viejo since 1979 and I have been riding OCTA since 1999. I take rout 182 and round 86 all the time for work, school and anything else I do in my life. I am not going to have transportation anymore if you stop those routs in Mission Viejo.

Submitted by Kevin Messenger on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 5:10 pm


I strongly oppose this elimination of part of this route. We need more busses everywhere in Orange County, not less. Bus routes should be added to bring convenience to those without cars who have difficulty getting to work, not based on profitability.

Submitted by Jessica Maxwell on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 8:30 pm


My daughter needs this route to attend school for the next 6 years. I work full time and cannot drive her. We can’t afford a school bus pass. Please do not get rid of 86.

Submitted by City Staff on Fri, 06/07/2019 - 8:41 am


The potential cancellation of Route 86 is ultimately the decision of Orange County Transportation Authority. It is imperative that residents who are opposed to the cancellation of the bus service complete OCTA’s online questionnaire. The survey is brief and can be accessed here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HDSDK63.

Submitted by Arnie on Fri, 06/07/2019 - 10:40 am


Eliminating this route is a step in the wrong direction. It will put more cars on the road, adding to already traffic congested streets. I oppose cancelation!

Submitted by Michael Rotcher on Fri, 06/07/2019 - 4:11 pm


Every time a bus route is curtailed or eliminated, the entire public transportation system becomes harder to use. If you want to increase ridership, expand the system so that it's more convenient and a more viable alternative. If it takes all day to get somewhere, it's not a realistic choice.

Submitted by Kathy Hartwick on Fri, 06/07/2019 - 8:48 pm


I use 86 to go to and from work along with 177. The bus stop is literally across the street from my work. I don't know how I would get to work. This would create a hardship for myself and I am sure other people as well. I take the bus for the convenience and for economic reasons. Eliminating the route puts me in a serious situation. Don't eliminate the Mission Viejo section.

Submitted by Lisa on Mon, 06/10/2019 - 1:57 pm


Why would OCTA delete a route??? We need MORE routes. I thought California was into saving the planet and wants everyone to use public transportation to reduce emissions, not to mention reducing traffic on our roads. Its already hard enough to find enough routes.

Submitted by Dale on Tue, 06/11/2019 - 10:11 am


These bus routes are waste of taxpayer funds. Only around 20% of the operating costs of these buses (and Metrolink trains) are paid for by tickets purchased by riders. The other 80% is paid for by the taxpayers in Orange County. This is made worse by low ridership. Many of these buses run empty a significant amount of time.

While there are several people who have written comments stating they depend on the bus service, is it really fair for them to get subsidies from the rest of us. They should buy cars, take a private care service (Uber, Lyft), carpool or use one of the on demand service available to them - not mooch off others. Sure, it will cost them more, but the real cost of their bus rides if 5x their fare payments.

The argument about taking cars off the road is a false equivalence. If the busses were full most of the time this argument might make sense, but do you a think a bus with one or two passengers is more efficient with respect to fuel use or roadway congestion than a car or two?

I urge the OCTA to discontinue this route and raise fares on the rest to cover the full costs of the bus operation. If that makes the price too high, then people will find other non-subsidized forms of getting places.

Submitted by Tammy Villanueva on Thu, 06/13/2019 - 7:55 am


This is wrong , kids need these busses for school, work , we need less cars and more public transportation! It’s the right thing to do !! We are talking about the environment.

Submitted by Susan Antonitis on Thu, 06/13/2019 - 6:55 pm


Eliminating bus routes in Mission Viejo will effect the working poor and the disabled. But isn’t that what South OC is going for? Making it impossible for anyone but upper middle class to live here?

Submitted by John on Sat, 06/15/2019 - 11:48 am


It’s about time they eliminate this route. I drive past the 86 Bus everyday, and when you look inside, there’s hardly anyone ever in there. Don’t see why we should sustain this as taxpayers if nobody is utilizing this route. Complete waste of taxpayer dollars. In today’s age, if you don’t have a car there’s many other affordable alternatives out there ( Uber, Lyft, Waze carpool). If not Eliminate the route, they should at least eliminate the large busses and switch them to smaller vans, because I usually see less than 2 people in an ENTIRE bus.

Submitted by Julie Anderson on Mon, 07/22/2019 - 6:29 am


Those who say no one is taking these buses have the convenience of being able to drive. A lot of us can not for health reasons, so do not discriminate. OCTA seems to only care about money and it shows. We have to work when you have these meetings and you don't care what we say anyway. More and more routes will be eliminates and it's not fair.

Submitted by John kubenski jr on Wed, 07/06/2022 - 3:41 pm


Dear sir. As a rider on the bus I would like to say respectfully that cutting route 82 and 87 is a tragic mistake .I ride those busses from work Monday Tuesday, and Wednesday morning to get back home. I can't afford any other way to go home. Also I am a senior citizen of 59 going on 60 Jan 2. Do u serve oc access from laguna Niguel to trabuco canyon 1-7016589059

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