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Provide your feedback on City's Comprehensive Bikeway and Transportation Connectivity Master Plan


The City of Mission Viejo is seeking public input on its draft Comprehensive Bikeway and Transportation Connectivity Master Plan.

Designed to enhance the City's transportation system and make it safer and more convenient for people who bike for recreation and commuting, the plan addresses gaps or missing links and barriers to daily biking. See the full Master Plan at these links: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3.

By promoting roadway safety through education and programs for pedestrians, bicycle riders and motorists, the goal is to make bicycling a more accessible and appealing travel option for people of all ages and abilities.   

Please provide any feedback below.


Submitted by Christine Rollando on Thu, 08/29/2019 - 5:15 pm


Excellent!! Please continue to make efforts to alter our community to a more environmentally sound portion of our planet

Submitted by Jack on Thu, 08/29/2019 - 5:50 pm


If you steal an inch of the existing roads that cars are using and try to give it to a bike lane like those jackasses in LA, you will be voted out of the office.

Submitted by Greg Peterson on Thu, 08/29/2019 - 6:09 pm


First, I am really impressed with this entire project!
Second, the greatest challenge you will have is to maintain a regional perspective, while still recognizing your responsibility to the residents of Mission Viejo. Bike trips rarely begin and end within the boundary of a single community. Even within your master plan, there is a notable lack of mention of other communities, or how you plan to work with them to extend and connect bikeways. Other communities may not be as organized, or as focused, and a little helping focus may go a long way towards achieving a broader objective that improves the quality of life of all residents of south Orange County.

Submitted by Brenda Barbee on Thu, 08/29/2019 - 6:11 pm


Personally I think this is a waste. Very few bike to work in MV and more work outside the city. $ could be spent better elsewhere. My opinion.

Submitted by Hedy Renfro on Thu, 08/29/2019 - 6:12 pm


Roads in MV are already crowded due in part to over building of dense housing. Do not remove lanes to accommodate bicycle riders (road diet). Most of them do so for recreation rather than commuting. I would guess that less than 5% of cyclers are comuters. The population is getting older and numbers of cycelers are most likely going to drop. I would recommend using many existing walking trails and widening them where it's possible for accommodating bikes. The existing laws of the road should be enforced to ensure that bikes, cars and motorcycle receive the same treatment. Also the cops need to be out on the road more watching for the increase of people running red lights rather than hide behind schrubery to give tickets ..speed traps.
What we as a city should not do is copy what Los Angeles is doing. It's a miserable example of 3rd world living in many parts of the city. It officially has the worst traffic in the nation.

By the way, the city also needs to address the homeless in MV, especially those who camp in the wilderness areas along Los Alisos.

Submitted by Sheri Cook on Thu, 08/29/2019 - 6:28 pm


It is far too dangerous to commute by bicycle in the streets of Mission Viejo due to the traffic and congestion. Too many people are on their phones. The only bike trails that are safe are the separated trails that are not right next to the cars.

Submitted by Grant Ryder on Thu, 08/29/2019 - 6:33 pm


As regular walkers for the last 19 years on proposed Route 2 we have nearly been hit by high speed reckless cyclists many times. This is a beautiful and peaceful walk which will be ruined by a constant stream of cyclists. This is a very bad proposal. The are miles and miles of cycle lanes in Mission Viejo without ruining a great area for walking.

Submitted by Mike Stump on Thu, 08/29/2019 - 6:49 pm


This is great news and so much impressive work has gone into these presentations. I personally would be so happy if a class 1 path can be developed along the train tracks from La Paz Road to Avery parkway and even further into San Juan Capistrano where the coastal path can be linked up. This would make it so much safer and fun when biking to the beach at Dana Point and San Clemente.

Submitted by eric p budai on Thu, 08/29/2019 - 7:56 pm


I feel any bike lane that shares space with vehicular traffic is a dangerous gamble . Stating that MV has 100 miles of bike lanes is like saying there's 100 miles available for someone to run you over. Margurite pkwy traffic flow is 50 -60 mph , regardless of posted speed limit. The City can promote safety all they want... but the fact remains , cars always win against bikes , no matter if you are an advanced rider or novice. An advanced rider is more apt to be struck simply because they are constantly exposed to peril. I own fast cars, slow cars , motorcycles, and multiple bikes, and I will never ride any bicycle in the street again . We take our bikes to the Newport Back Bay , or the Newport / Huntington Beach boardwalks. There are no cars. It is unfortunate that we need to leave our community to go to another . We also contribute to added weekend traffic , and patronize food / beverage venues not in Mission Viejo.

Submitted by Robert Allen on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 6:28 am


Not sure this is a good use of our tax $$. I've ridden the streets of MV for years, and the bike lanes on most streets are adequate for the bicycle traffic that exists. In addition, if the Olympiad segment loses an automobile lane to install a wider bicycle lane, I'm against it.

Submitted by Kraig Erickson on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 9:00 am


I fully support the City' commitment to making our City more bike friendly. Thank you for initiating this Master Planning Effort to connect our parks and facilities; as well as make our City safer and healthier.
Since the City is considering extending the Oso Creek Trail from Marguerite to Oso Parkway as part of Missing Link #6, I assume there would be discussions with Mission Viejo Country Club (MVCC). As such, could the City consider extending the trail even further through MVCC across Oso Parkway and under the I-5 Freeway to connect to existing bikeway along Cabot-Forbes? This would provide access to the Metro/Amtrak station as well as to the new residential developments in Laguna Nigel. This would ultimately make it a true Oso Creek Trail and should part of the master planning vision. Having bikes along Oso Parkway trying to cross the freeway seems to be huge safety concern.

Submitted by Marissa Wennerberg on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 9:45 am


Very thoughtful proposal. I would like to see curbs separate the Class II bike lanes on busy roads like Marguerite, Alicia, Jeronimo, etc. I think you would see more people using them for commuting if they felt there was a barrier from the cars since the speeding and careless driving seems to only be increasing.
Not sure how used the chairs/public areas will be on Alicia around the lake considering it is so loud with traffic usually.
I do like the added parking/bathroom/trail/exercise equipment on Olympiad. Great idea to use that space for that.

Submitted by Ellen on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 11:40 am


Having cycling as another low emission option for short and extended commutes is commendable. Consider working with the metro and bus services so cyclists can commute to meeting locations and either bring their cycle on board to bus or train and be able to use at depot destination to gain access to the commuters final destination.
May want to see what they’ve done in San Francisco with commuters coming to the city via The Bart from the outer regions.
Bike paths and walk paths should have clear signage to educate the community sharing the road safely techniques.

As we have an aging population who many still drive in this area -and have concerns with cyclists sharing the road and perhaps being in a blind spot driving , what has other city’s done to help keep our on foot, bike and car drivers safe.
The MV shuttle has been a wonderful feature in our city.
Perhaps we can all do our part in leveraging the alternate transportation methods to help slow the destruction of our atmosphere, with each of us doing our part to lower our carbon foot print.
Thank you

Submitted by Bonnie on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 12:17 pm


I love the idea of creating more biking paths but I think taking away car lanes would be counter productive. With this area being so hilly I don't see many people commuting to work by bike. But increasing paths and connecting more of them would be great.

Submitted by Randy on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 1:25 pm


I agree with many of the comments about the dangers of sharing the road with cars. In Europe they have separate bike lanes for bikes only paralleling the existing roadway with a curb separating the cars from bikes. Also seeing a lot of E-bikes on the Aliso Creek bike path which is another problem to consider as the growth of E-bikes will continue. Today E-bikes allow fat people to ride up to 27 mph with very little effort on the bike path. Do we need to wait for a dog walker to get hit and have the city get sued for not enforcing the no motorized vehicle signs. City needs to consider the impact of e-bikes in their plan. Bottom line MV is one of the first Master Planned Communities and honestly the road ways are failing. I SAY SPEND THE BUDGET ON INSTALLING ROUND ABOUTS INSTEAD OF SIGNAL LIGHTS AND MUCH OF THE TRAFFIC CONGESTION WILL BE REDUCED. AND THE GUY THAT COMPLAINED ABOUT DRIVERS RUNNING RED LIGHTS WILL BE SATISFIED. Plus I am sick of waiting 3-5 minutes for lights to change only to go 1/4 mile and wait again. Example I live near Muirlands and Alicia and at times I would like to Shop at Ace Hardware on Oso and Marguerite. It takes 20 min to go 3 miles with all the dumb lights. Do you think better road ways could positively effect local business?

Submitted by Mark Calkins on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 2:34 pm


Follow through with the plan. Great idea using the railway easement. I’ve lived here 30 years and wish we had this decades ago. The streets are getting tougher to ride as traffic does not follow the speed limits and are preoccupied while driving.

Submitted by Bill on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 3:22 pm


Too many bicyclers are a danger to walkers on trails such as Oso Creek. They approach from behind at high speed without a warning. A few will say 'on your right (or left)' or ring a barely audible bell on their handlebar. How about a loud horn so we can try to get out of the way? Or just slow down.

Submitted by Lori on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 6:49 pm


I'm all for off-road trails, but as many have commented, it is too dangerous with drivers using cell phones these days to have a bike lane that is shared with autos. In addition, the traffic in Mission Viejo is getting worse because there are not currently enough lanes to handle regular traffic (especially on La Paz, Alicia, and Marguerite). Unless there is some kind of barrier wall, I would not feel safe sharing the road with drivers these days!

Submitted by Carlos Rendon on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 7:40 pm


I really like that the city is looking to add bikeways and multi-use trails. I looked through the proposal and I'm happy with it.

Submitted by Cynthia Cattern on Sat, 08/31/2019 - 8:34 am


All of this is just great. It is really well done and an enhancement to our city. I would like to see more walkability. Many people walk the other side of Alicia from Casta del Sol and Cypress Point to the Albertsons shopping center. It is a very dangerous walk as one enters the center at the stop light. Will you please add stairs to climb that short hill and other necessary elements to make it walkable?

Submitted by Clay Renfro on Sat, 08/31/2019 - 12:52 pm


I'm always amazed that anyone would want to ride their bike on our busy main streets. Wouldn't it be better to use much less traveled residential streets? Oh, but then not so many could see your fancy bike & outfit & shoes & glasses, etc. And when you're in groups of 15-25 wouldn't you like to reduce the risk of getting run over by a car because your group ran the intersection red light? Just curious why do so many cyclists ride on the white line that defines the bike lane; you're supposed to ride sufficiently to the right of it so that your handlebars and left leg aren't in the adjacent automobile traffic lane. Bicycling is a great activity for many but it shouldn't create a risk for motor vehicle traffic on the same road. I believe that current bike lanes are wide enough; cyclists just need to follow the rules and use some common sense. They aren't wide enough to ride 2 & 3 abreast. I agree wholeheartedly with both Greg Peterson & my wife (above).

Submitted by Kevin on Sun, 09/01/2019 - 7:04 am


I disagree with a few people here. I do think in some cases our roads are too wide, in particular, Oso Parkway. You definitely need to take away a lane in each direction and do what they properly do in NYC, create a barrier/bollard, and but pretty greenery to make it look nice. Then you’ll see families with their children who want to use bike lane for fun safely and for just getting around town. The key thing is to make completely barricaded and protected bike lanes on all parkways in Mission Viejo, then you’ll be fine. Also, coordinate with laguna hills and Aliso Viejo so people can bike protected the whole way to Aliso Viejo town center area, that would help a lot! Have a great bike plan for parkways and ample bus service everywhere in the city and it’ll be perfect! So in short... take away car lanes if you have to...but add protected bike lanes like Los Angeles and you’ll have the right idea. Otherwise, awesome job with off road bike trails!

Submitted by PB on Sun, 09/01/2019 - 11:06 am


While it sounds nice, this is a big waste of money & time.
Nobody will bike to work, just as nobody rides the city bus or train. The fraction of people who use them don’t justify the cost.
Bikes are super dangerous when in general traffic with cars, & making it safe is not worth it.
Please stop trying to find ways to spend our money.

Submitted by PB on Sun, 09/01/2019 - 11:17 am


Waste of money. Why is the goal “to make bicycling more appealing?”
It’s dangerous & a waste. Please don’t start with carbon footprint nonsense either or you are out of touch with MV voters.
Bikes are huge problem on El Toro/Santiago canyon & LiveOak Canyon. They are in the 55mph lanes riding 18ph, & think they own the road. They are hit by cars regularly. The answer is NOT to make everyone slow down & yield, as our traffic is already heavy & slow getting around town.

Submitted by David on Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:26 pm


This is great, keep it up! If you build it, they will come. We need to more class 1 bike paths to offset the traffic. Car traffic is only going to get worse, and more bikes will reduce pollution, and increase everyone's health.

Submitted by RITA TAYENAKA on Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:46 pm


It’s a huge presentation. Not sure exactly what it is proposing but I agree that for the amount of people riding their bikes to commute I would hate to see our overcrowded roads be reduced.

Submitted by Gaby on Mon, 09/02/2019 - 8:29 am


Our city has so many hills, I'm not sure how many people would actually choose to bike ride to commute to work. The work out would be great, but then you'd have to shower ... :)
I am one of those recreational cyclist who goes out of town once a week to bike ride. It's too stressful to ride on our Class II lanes; we simply drive too fast in Mission Viejo. I do like the idea of having a curb that separates the car lanes from the bike ones! It will feel much safer.
I'd be great to have a Class I/Class II combo Mission Viejo City loop with easy access trailheads from different parts of the city.
Most experienced cyclists don't stay in the city to bike ride, they just pass through. What you're planning wouldn't necessarily be for them; nonetheless, they need safer lanes.

Submitted by James on Mon, 09/02/2019 - 10:21 pm


Plan looks great! Closing the gaps in the existing trail system is definitely a good thing, as is creating connections to the Aliso Creek Trail and other regional trail systems. The idea of using the railroad easements seems simple and practical. Love the extension of the Oso Creek Trail and the new Mission Viejo N/S corridor trail.

Thanks for the thoughtful work here. Looking forward to seeing it being put into action.

Submitted by Scott Weisgerber on Mon, 09/09/2019 - 9:13 am


I'm glad to see and hear that Mission Viejo is looking at expanding the bike network within the city. However, there is one critical omission. There it no clear, safe way to cross the 5 freeway. Not all cyclists stay in Mission Viejo and there are wonderful routes on the other side of the freeway. A Class III route over Crown Valley or Oso isn't enough.

Submitted by AJ LAMB on Tue, 09/10/2019 - 10:33 pm


Excellent job on bringing more open space and more activities to the community. When you get to be outside and getting back to nature is a big win for everyone. Hopefully it will be there to bring more cities and communities together to make sure that we can get around the county.

Submitted by Jerry Anderson on Wed, 09/11/2019 - 6:09 am


I would rather we spend the money on adding sidewalks and pedestrian friendly access. I often walk with my children around the shopping areas at Marguerite and La Paz and we often have to walk through the bushes or on roads to transition from the library to the shopping areas, etc. And once in the shopping center we are constantly dodging cars in the parking lot.

Submitted by City Staff on Wed, 09/18/2019 - 2:49 pm


Thank you for sharing your suggestions and comments to help us create a more bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly City. Thanks to a robust public outreach and input process, we are confident the plan reflects the values and priorities of our residents.

Please note that the City’s Plan does not propose any type of “road diet” that removes vehicle travel lanes in favor of bicycle lanes. Instead, based on input from residents, the City is proposing repurposing wide sidewalks into Multi-Use Trail Shared Sidewalks (MUTSS) and increasing trail safety and wayfinding signage in these areas.

City staff is aware that I-5 freeway crossings can be intimidating and are one of the biggest barriers to biking. Safety concerns due to high traffic speeds make it difficult for bicyclists and pedestrians to conveniently travel around the City. We are currently working with Caltrans on a long-term solution to this problem. The Master Plan does include a freeway undercrossing at the new La Paz/5 Freeway bridges along the railroad right-of-way. This will connect from the Aliso Creek Trail at the Lake Forest/Mission Viejo boundary down to the Mission Viejo/Laguna Niguel Metrolink Station.

Trails that link to destinations outside of Mission Viejo were suggested by some respondents. Please note that regionally significant linkages to Lake Forest, San Juan Capistrano, Laguna Hills, the Irvine Metrolink Station and beach are all part of the proposed long-term goals of the plan.

If you have comments or suggestions requiring a response, email them to bikewayplan@cityofmissionviejo.org.

Submitted by D. Dejongh on Mon, 05/22/2023 - 1:58 pm


Part 2 of the access is dangerous. It is a trail to nowhere. The culvert, drainage ditch, is deep and dangerous behind Chamalea Dr. There is 1ft of easement where plans show City planting on trees on homeowner property. Across the proposed path you look into homes. Proposed fence is a joke, an E-bike could drive thru it and drop appx 20 ft, into the storm drain culvert. And, you drop them onto Jeronimo that can't be made wider, or they short cut out Montilla Dr. They do not stop at stop signs now. You will create another killer intersection like Alicia. It cuts through and impacts over 50 homes. When school lets out come and sit at Montilla and watch kids zoom through the stop signs. Lawsuit will happen.

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