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Amazon to open new Delivery Station in Mission Viejo in 2020

amazon warehouse

Amazon Logistics is planning to open a new California Delivery Station in Mission Viejo sometime next year at the current RV Storage Depot on Jeronimo Road.  The current business operator is working with RV owners to relocate the vehicles.

The new station will power Amazon's last-mile delivery capabilities to speed up deliveries for customers in the Orange County area.

Delivery Stations enable Amazon Logistics to supplement capacity and flexibility to Amazon's delivery capabilities to support the growing volume of customer orders. Additionally, the station will create hundreds of part-time and full-time jobs starting at $15 per hour.

Delivery Stations also offer entrepreneurs the opportunity to build their own business delivering Amazon packages as well as independent contractors the flexibility to be their own boss, and create their own schedule delivering for Amazon Flex.  

To learn more, visit https://logistics.amazon.com/ and https://flex.amazon.com.


Submitted by Randy on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 11:31 pm


I really hope this doesn’t happen. I worked at the hub in Irvine and Amazon hubs are DISASTERS and would be such a colossal mistake in that location.

Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Wed, 10/23/2019 - 3:01 pm


Influencing government is a key element right out of Amazon’s playbook. As soon as the Amazon news hit the social media, the City immediately posted this press release.

On their behalf, the City's press release is emphasizing job creation and the opportunity for one to build their own business. The City is totally ignoring the negative impact to our Quality of Life.

According to the U.S. Department of Health: "Traffic congestion increases vehicle emissions and degrades ambient air quality and recent studies have shown excess morbidity and mortality for drivers commuters and individuals living near major roadways."

The location of this Amazon Delivery Station will change the dynamics of our bedroom community, as the added big rig truck and van traffic will affect traffic citywide.

Alicia Parkway is already stressed. Heavy congestion will lengthen, affecting everyone heading to the freeway. To avoid the increased congestion, residents will use different routes which will impact other areas outside of the Amazon Delivery Station.

What that means is traffic will broaden its geographic territory, congestion will last longer, and extend further into our community.

Alicia Parkway is not big enough to absorb this Station. Alicia Parkway is not in a commercial district but a roadway into our neighborhoods and schools.

Submitted by Larry Harding on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 4:25 pm


I am not judging Amazon but commenting on the press release where it was stated the RV operation was working with customers to relocate the 2,000 trailers and rv’s. That is total BS. They gave us 6 week notice and most storage facilities are full! They gave us names of places 50 to 70 miles away and some of the local facilities (Extra Space on Bafin Bay in Lake forest) increased there price by 50%!!!! When I asked why a $200 space is now $330, the manager said”because we can”. Hopefully someone will step up and build a large cost effected storage facility and put the bandits out of business.

Submitted by David on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 6:37 pm


This will be a great asset to the community, creating much needed jobs. The bonus is pissing off the whiners that are never happy unless they are complaining about everything.

Submitted by Concerned MV on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 7:49 pm


There are accidents at Alicia/Jeronimo nearly every day. The last thing we need is to add rushed, over-worked and under-paid gig drivers to the mix.

Please, Coty Council, do a google of “Amazon Delivery Station” and “traffic”. Learn from other cities’ grim experiences and help move this center elsewhere.

Submitted by April Allison on Fri, 10/25/2019 - 8:49 am


Amazon is getting much too big and powerful, which makes them very dangerous. They are ready, set and laser focused on not only competing, but dominating many many industries. Most of their customers don't understand Amazon's power, they just want their stuff now. Very, very sad.

Submitted by Steven on Fri, 10/25/2019 - 12:31 pm


This is not the panacea Amazon and the City of Mission Viejo would like us to believe it is for our community. Traffic will be a big issue. Also, the revenue small independent transport services can earn will be limited by the high demands Amazon places on these companies. I am an entrepreneur and favor a free market, but believe the primary beneficiaries of this new facility are Amazon and the city's revenue from taxes.

Submitted by John A on Fri, 10/25/2019 - 8:30 pm


Bad for all of us, traffic, loss of RV and trailers storage. Shame on the price gouging of the othe storage sites. Agree with a previous post, EZ storage on Baffin also told me they are inflating prices because there are not enough spaces and raises rates daily. Offered me a 36 foot space under a car port type roof for $475, more than what the former Mission Viejo RV charged for indoor valley space. Also call BS on Mission Viejo RV assisting folks on relocation. They offered listings to their other facilities no where near us and very little space availability

Submitted by Tom Herbertson on Sun, 10/27/2019 - 3:53 am


It's the former Unisys facility that opened around 1969 when the company was named Burroughs.

Submitted by Michael Rotcher on Sun, 10/27/2019 - 3:01 pm


I'm against the opening of any business in Mission Viejo that doesn't allow its employees to use the bathroom. Amazon is NOT a good corporate player.

Submitted by Wayne on Tue, 10/29/2019 - 10:44 am


It seems like the city is trying to sneak this in under the radar. Has an environmental impact report been completed? This is an unfortunate decision by the City that will severely impact the area with increased traffic and noise pollution. The MV city council has always been very aggressive in keeping the business impact to our city relatively light. We are not able to accommodate large industrial operations - we are a family oriented community that has always prided itself on being clean and environmentally friendly. This is a really bad idea and the city council should re-think this choice. We may be stuck with Amazon however, we can always change the members of the city council when it appears they have lost their connection to the community.

Submitted by Susan on Wed, 10/30/2019 - 12:40 pm


Unless you are willing to stop purchasing from Amazon, then the reality is that Amazon will continue to need these delivery stations. I understand the problem with traffic, however, in this day of wanting things fast, this is the answer. We have created this problem ourselves.

Submitted by Daryl on Sat, 11/02/2019 - 1:19 pm


Did the city do any traffic studies for Jeronimo but more importantly Alicia to the freeway which is already clogged daily with traffic. An addition of Amazon Semis and their delivery vans is going to make more of a mess of an already mess. Wonder what the people will think that live a long Alicia to the west of Jeronimo to the freeway will think of the added traffic in their back yards. Also are they going to use the existing buildings from Burroughs/Unysis or are they going to tear it all down and put up concrete leanups? Also the design of the intersection at Alicia and Jeromimo is already an abortion. Trucks turning left from Alicia onto Northbound Jeronimo already have trouble making the turn.

Submitted by Jim on Mon, 11/04/2019 - 11:26 am


I have stopped buying from Amazon about 1 year ago and have found that buying the items you want from the manufacturer is often times cheaper than Amazon. Besides any company that is willing to same 12K jobs for a specific ethnic group and call themselves an "equal opportunity employer" is FOS.

Submitted by Silvia on Tue, 11/05/2019 - 9:56 am


I agree, we really do not need more traffic please!!! I lived in West Los Angeles for 20 years and every day I can see Mission
Viejo's streets becoming another congested Santa Monica Blvd., Wilshire or Sunset. But I guess money talks...
Please, please reconsider.

Submitted by Ted Deits on Tue, 11/05/2019 - 12:50 pm


Those that have been asked to leave from the RV storage, should be glad there is at least an alternative. Sad to say, but the land values are going so high now that it no longer makes sense to store RV's on the acreage. Many, if not most Orange County RV storage operators are cashing out. Who can blame them with property values for industrial property near 4 million per acre. You are going to have to get used to the idea of driving out of the area for RV storage. Or....Buy a garage condo that you own. There are several in So Cal.

What would you do with a 5 acre site worth 20 mil? Store RV's? I doubt it.

Submitted by Paul G. on Thu, 03/05/2020 - 7:40 pm


Could MV used hundreds of $15/hour jobs or not; or will labor have to be commuted it to fill these jobs? Has this question been addressed?

Submitted by Paul G. on Fri, 03/06/2020 - 9:46 am


I want to give a shout out to all the hearing impaired residents of mission Viejo. Are you yourselves or any of your loved ones hearing impaired or deaf? Most of the hundreds of employment opportunities at the new proposed facility do not require the sense of hearing.

Submitted by Marianne O. on Tue, 08/11/2020 - 7:40 pm


I am seeing the infrastructure of the parking lot of this facility being built up to handle a heavy flow of heavy trucks. I know that the surrounding roads are not built to handle this. Will residents be kept up all night with road noise? Will we need to plan an extra 30 min. to get to the freeway or to costco down Alicia?

Will we be a able to open our windows for fresh air? I'm thinking we are going to need to replace the people running our city. Why would something this big not require studies and a public vote? Why when Im a home owner at Alicia and Jeronimo did I not hear about this until after it was a done deal? Nor did my neighbors, a neighbor I just told was in total shock and their 3 adult children all live within a mile or two of this project and none were aware. Shame on the city council and the city manager! How will this affect the many elementary schools and daycares in this area? Does anyone even know?

Submitted by Raging Reba on Wed, 10/14/2020 - 1:31 pm


At first I was okay with it but now.........NOPE! I work in a business park in the area and since they opened, we are constantly being overwhelmed by diesel/hydraulic type smells. It's horrible. Also, the drivers are complete jerks. They exit the street that runs behind Target and today there was a caravan of about a dozen Amazon vans and every single one was speeding and blew right thru the stop sign. Tsk tsk Amazon and shame on you Mission Viejo.