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New one-way direction on Oso Creek Lake Loop Trail designed to help patrons maintain social distancing

oso creek trail loop

For the health and safety of the community, the City of Mission Viejo implemented one-way direction along the Oso Creek Lake Loop Trail. 

The temporary one-way “clockwise” direction for all bikers, hikers and walkers will be in effect until social distancing guidelines are lifted by state and federal governments. 

The move comes amid concerns over a spike in public use and decrease in social distancing, particularly on the Oso Creek Lake Loop Trail along Lake Mission Viejo.  The one-way clockwise direction is designed to help patrons adhere to the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines.  

Signage and arrows alerting patrons of the change will be installed by noon on April 1.  

During this unprecedented time, the City continues to promote COVID-19 health and safety directives while keeping public access available to its open spaces and parks.


Submitted by Vicki Ballon on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 3:41 pm


Just to clarify, this applies to the loop that goes around Lake Mission Viejo along Olympiad, Alicia and Marguerite?

I've never heard it referred to as the "Oso Creek Lake Loop." The actual Oso Creek Trail is not affected, correct?


Submitted by Alex Golden on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 5:06 pm


NO! A well intentioned idea, but not good when you think about it! I pass so many people on this path and you'd be shocked at how many people just walk right down the middle... When they see you coming the other way they get out of your way far better. The walkway is wide enough for this. I come up behind people so many times and even say "excuse me" but they can't hear me because of headphones or just not paying attention, so I actually am much closer to them even though they are heading the same direction.

I kid you not, last week I was coming up to two guys talking, and they were right in the middle of the sidewalk, I said "excuse me" as I came up and "excuse me" again as I got right behind them. There was enough space to pass on the left so I started to do just that and the guy closest to me looks to the left just as I am there and coughs on me!

Most people walking this path are not observant of their surroundings when they need to be... This will hinder and not help the situation, although it is well intentioned. I would really implore the city to reconsider.

Submitted by Kathy Krieger on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 5:21 pm


Guess you never walked the Oso Trail as there is no lake only the creek. Lake Mission Viejo has the lake. Suggest you might want to clarify your message.

Submitted by Robert L Myers on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 6:52 pm


Yes, can you provide a sketch map of what the Oso Creek Lake Loop Trail is? The trail map on the city website shows the Oso Creek Trail, and the Lake Mission Viejo Trail, described as a loop, but there is no Oso Creek Lake Loop.

This is confusing.

Submitted by City Staff on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 7:26 pm


The loop is Along Marguerite Parkway between Alicia Parkway and Olympiad Rd, then along Olympiad road between Marguerite Parkway and Alicia Parkway.

Several people have said that our term "Oso Creek Lake Loop Trail" is confusing. The City has actually referred to it that way for a number of years. The Oso Creek used to run through the bottom of the lake but is now piped from the Marty Russo Park through Cypress Point, before it runs on the surface through the Casta Del Sol golf course and all the way down through the Country Club under the freeway into Laguna Niguel. Because Oso Creek is indigenous to the Lake, we refer to the trail around the lake with a nod to the Creek.

Submitted by Nunof on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 8:25 pm


Mr Golden is correct. Good intentions, but more harm than good. People going opposite directions are near each other for less time, and easier to avoid. Close the trail, or leave it alone - please don't make it worse.

Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 10:35 am


Won't one way traffic have a tendency to create a log jam? But what about the folks who do not walk the whole distance and reach a point and then turn around and go back ?

I think this clockwise direction is unwise and a step too far.

Submitted by Bonnie on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 11:55 am


City staff might call this the "Oso Creek Lake Loop Trail," but I don't think any residents do. If everyone walked in a single file, this might work. But people tend to spread out, and it will be hard to maneuver around them without exposure. I agree with the comment above saying people going in opposite directions are near each other for less time, and easier to avoid.

Submitted by Grace Rogers on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 12:25 pm


I do 1 mile from my house Alicia to marg, and back, 2 miles total. I can’t do the whole lake and you have to turn around .

Submitted by Daniele Holmberg on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 2:40 pm


Thank you for making this happen. We really miss walking the lake & have been avoiding it because there are way too many people! Now we can go again!

Submitted by Diana on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 7:05 pm


For those people that want to just walk part of the way round the lake, cross the street and walk back on the other side.

Submitted by Yumi on Thu, 04/02/2020 - 1:53 am


I think the direction should be counter clockwise. Remember Mike Kreza who was killed by the DUI driver along the Alicia Parkway? Unfortunately bike path has to go along the flow of the car traffic (same direction). Pedestrians will have ears and eyes to protect themselves against the car traffic (like the car out of control or DUI driver case) if walking opposite of vehicle traffic direction. This is a safety issue. I do not feel safe walking clockwise direction at all.
I think “one way” is a great idea but It should be counter-clockwise for safety. With “zero” visibility of the traffics behind you, how can we defend ourselves?

Submitted by Bryan Louzil on Thu, 04/02/2020 - 8:26 am


This is a great idea. Yes, the stay at home is in effect, but there is also a large group of people who want to stay active especially as gyms are closed. At the end of the day it is your choice to walk or jog or run the trail. If you do not agree with this then stay home. If you want to get outside then go outside. People walking should definitely be more considerate of their spacing, but there are other creative ways to get exercise and avoid people, and there are a lot of other roads and trails in MV. Great job Mission Viejo!!!

Submitted by Emily on Thu, 04/02/2020 - 9:33 pm


The trail head at Marguerite all the way up is a marvelous hike but right now it is aggravating when groups spread out and don’t exercise safe distancing. It would be great if parties of 2 or more would simply single file to allow those coming from opposite direction or faster walkers to pass. I would love to see signage periodically advising people to single file when passing as group of 2 or more. Moreover if bikes are allowed a safe speed should be posted as many times bikers speed much faster than 8 miles per hour. A typical speed on bike paths. We all need to get out and walk during these times but we are now vulnerable to the presence of seemingly uncaring and careless people; however there are many thoughtful people exercising the new courtesy.

Submitted by B on Fri, 04/03/2020 - 11:54 am


Looking at the map, it's clear that the Oso Creek Trail does not reach Alicia Parkway. Therefore, there can be no "loop" round the lake, because the trail would not connect with this loop. This whole discussion has been crazy, because no resident, other than a city employee, has ever heard of the loop around the lake being connected in any way with the Oso Creek Trail. And since the loop around the lake is on city sidewalks for the most part, I'm not sure it would be considered a "trail".

Submitted by anne kostoff on Fri, 04/03/2020 - 2:42 pm


The direction for walking should be changed asap- as pedetsirans are walking with traffic instead of against- I saw two people almost get struck by cars as they were walking in the bike lane to walk past other patrons- cars travel around 50mph - pedestrians walking with traffic are unable to see vehicles behind them- sad- the city of Mission Viejo would not consider the safety of patrons before implementing the direction for those to walk-

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