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County following state guidelines for wearing face coverings in public

face masks

The County of Orange will follow new state guidelines calling for people to wear face coverings in public.

The California Department of Public Health says people who must leave their homes to conduct essential activities should wear face coverings, if they feel comfortable doing so, and practice strict hand washing before and after touching and adjusting the covering. 

Using face coverings can help reduce infectious particles from folks who could be infected but are asymptomatic. It is not recommended for residents to use N-95 or surgical masks, which should be reserved for healthcare workers and first responders.

“Wearing a cloth face covering when leaving the house for essential activities may help reduce the spread of COVID-19 by residents who are positive but don’t have any symptoms,” said Dr. Nichole Quick, County Health Officer. “However, it’s important for community members to remember that face coverings are not a replacement for prevention measures like social distancing and frequent hand washing, which continue to be the best way to protect yourself.”

The best defense against COVID-19 is:

  • Staying at home and physical distancing
  • Washing hands frequently
  • Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoiding being around sick people
  • Staying home if you’re sick

State health officials define face coverings as material such as cotton, silk or linen that covers the mouth and nose. Coverings can be homemade or improvised from everyday items such as scarfs, bandanas, T-shirts, sweatshirts or towels. For more information, visit https://www.cdph.ca.gov/


Submitted by Annette on Thu, 04/02/2020 - 5:34 pm


Please make it mandatory for all grocery employees to wear face masks or face coverings and gloves at all times. And to change gloves frequently. I saw a complete disrespect of employees at MV grocery stores. Even people shopping were not taking precautions. It must be mandatory for all people. Thank you.

Submitted by Bhosmer on Thu, 04/02/2020 - 11:47 pm


So where do we find these masks? My sister is making them, but my tremor is stopping me. And you can’t buy them.

Submitted by City Staff on Fri, 04/03/2020 - 10:25 am


The term homemade masks was to suggest that people will make their own. State health officials have said that face coverings can be homemade or improvised from everyday items such as scarfs, bandanas, T-shirts, sweatshirts or towels.

Submitted by Tammy on Sun, 05/24/2020 - 2:58 pm


Face masks are ridiculous and are meant to instill fear in people. Social distancing, easing hands, and don’t touch your face are the keys to not getting or giving the virus!!

Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Wed, 05/27/2020 - 10:17 am


Here is a NOTE from a manufacturer producing facemasks: "Not constructed of materials or rated to filter airborne viruses and no claim is made on the material's ability to stop airborne molecules. "

Best hygiene practice is handwashing and not touching your face with your hands.

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