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Large art project along Crown Valley Parkway paying homage to first responders, healthcare workers

thank you art project

In an ongoing effort to recognize the amazing healthcare workers and first responders on the front lines, the City created and installed a large art project along Crown Valley Parkway.

This is the second phase of the project dubbed “Gratitude Letters to Honor Healthcare Workers” that called for volunteer groups painting letters spelling “thank you” measuring 4 feet by 8 feet.  The first phase was installed near Mission Hospital.  

The art project is designed to leave a lasting mark on the men and women working tirelessly and selflessly during this COVID-19 crisis. The City is grateful to the following groups and individuals for their creative efforts. 

T - Saddleback Church: Amy Lussier, Jamie Lussier, Kara Lussier, and Cesar Alvarado

H - Mission Viejo Police Foundation: Sharon Genton, Chelsea Asbury, Zena Glass, Lisa Costa, and Gina Bryant

A - Community of Character Youth Committee: Kaylie Chong, Jeffrie Chong, Ella Mayer, and Naik Khaitzada

N - Mission Viejo Library Staff: Robert Barrera, Sandy Brimer, Patrice Rand, and Kathi Dickey

K - Potocki Art Instructors: Maribeth McFaul, Marillyn Brame, Kristie Ryan, and Sapna Sareen

Y - Saddleback Church: Char Grogan and Lucy Burns

O - Miss America Beautiful Girls: Jack Knight, Graciela Oropeza, Jaimie Oropeza, Priscilla Oropeza, and Emilee Oropeza

U - Saddleback Art League: Randy Hoffman and Olga Grun


Submitted by Lois on Thu, 07/02/2020 - 4:46 pm


I am so proud of our citizens focusing on this positive gratitude of displaying a "Thank You"! to others! I would love to see other communities doing the same!

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