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council meeting

See Council update regarding Oso Creek Golf Course, Public Open Space Vision Plan and rumor mill

If you missed Tuesday's City Council meeting that focused on the

kids at soccer

Free sports opportunities, perks for youth this Saturday in honor of National Youth Sports Day

In honor of National Youth Sports Day Saturday, November 13, the City is celebrating the designation by sharing community sports opportunities and some great perks for youth 17 and younge

mission viejo life

Check out winter issue of Mission Viejo Life

If you want to get a jump on your winter plans, then check out the latest issue of 

oso creek golf course

Council to receive update on Oso Creek Golf Course and Public Space Vision Plan Nov. 9

The public is invited to learn more about the Oso Creek Golf Course and Public Space Vision Plan during the City Council's meeting on November 9. 

holiday home lighting

Embrace the holidays with the Annual Holiday Home Lighting Contest

With 2021 coming to an end, now's the time to share holiday spirit through the Annual Holiday Home Lighting Contest.