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Mission Viejo Activities Committee Annual Fireworks Spectacular is on, but public urged to use social distancing and other locations to view the show


The Mission Viejo Activities Committee is moving forward with a July 4th Fireworks Spectacular show launched from the Marty Russo Youth Athletic Park. 

“We are hosting this event because we know it’s been a patriotic staple to countless residents who enjoy it from their homes,” said MVAC President, Adi Mitchell. “While we are all adhering to State guidelines, we encourage residents to either view the fireworks from home (if they can), or choose an alternative location where they can safely watch from their vehicles and socially distance.”

Since the annual Street Faire was cancelled and the Mission Viejo Lake Association closed its beaches, residents are encouraged to view the show from alternate locations this year.  Although gathering around the park is strictly prohibited to promote social distancing, the fireworks can be seen from various locations surrounding the area including parks and high elevations along Marguerite, Melinda, Alicia and Olympiad.  Limited parking around the park will be available for people to see the show from their vehicles, but residents are urged to find alternate locations to watch the fireworks.

The following guidelines will help keep our community safe when viewing the show: 

  • Distance: Residents should stay at least 6 feet away from others and refrain from gathering.
  • Cover Up: Face coverings should be worn when interacting with others.  Cover your cough or sneeze in your sleeve or tissue. The California Department of Public Health's updated guidance requires folks to wear a face covering in most indoor settings as well as outdoors when social distancing isn't possible.
  • Keep clean: Wash your hands often with soap and water.  Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Stay home: Stay at home if you aren’t feeling well.


Submitted by Larry Butterfas on Fri, 06/26/2020 - 7:14 am


How ignorant and irresponsible are you people? Oh wai… You elected Greg Raths on to your city Council... I already know the answer.

Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Fri, 06/26/2020 - 9:36 am


There is going to be fireworks when the general public learns that councils member on June 23, voted to extend their expiring terms in office for an additional two years.

Submitted by City Staff on Fri, 06/26/2020 - 9:49 am


To accommodate the Mission Viejo Activities Committee’s firework show, we will be bagging “No Parking Signs” in various locations along Alicia, Olympiad, and Melinda. They will be bagged all day. For more information visit MVAC’s website at www.mvactivities.com.

Submitted by pj white on Fri, 06/26/2020 - 7:06 pm


Given the current situation and cases surging I encourage this July 4 event be canceled. This behavior will effect our frontline healthcare workers who risk their lives daily to care for us. Please reconsider.

Submitted by Audrey on Sun, 06/28/2020 - 6:37 am


Thank you for honoring this important day that represents much for many of us.

Knowing that we have responsible people in our community, I am confident that we will have a great time along with keeping safe and social distancing! God Bless America!

Submitted by Brandon on Mon, 06/29/2020 - 2:09 pm


Thank you very much for keeping the fireworks! We are very excited. As fireworks in the sky are visible from so many places, maintaining social distancing shouldn't really be much of an issue. Sounds like you guys are putting adequate safeguards in place. Thank you for being reasonable, while maintaining such a great tradition. :-)

Submitted by John on Tue, 06/30/2020 - 12:51 pm


It’s sad to think of them being canceled but seems like it would be the most responsible thing to do. We know people will not distance and many from others cities will be traveling in since most have been canceled (or postponed). I’m not sure right now is the best time for this if we truly care about our community.

Submitted by ZHB on Tue, 06/30/2020 - 8:44 pm


God Bless America!

Thank you Mission Viejo! We really need some patriotism currently! It would be very depressing if our Independence Day Fireworks celebration was canceled. For those negative posters, please stay home if you are so worried.

Submitted by teresa siplivy… on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 9:11 am


I can't believe or understand the decision that was made regarding the FIREWORKS this year! With all the urging the residents of MV to maintain social distancing and now the rise of COVID ....you are allowing the fireworks to continue. For many years I have attended the fireworks and the social distancing is not something that can be done..... really City Council and the decision makers.... BAD CALL. Tell the local hospitals and the people that put their lives on the line... with the tracing questions... oh I attended the MV fireworks and could not stay 6 feet from other people. What happened to STAY HOME AND STAY SAFE. Please reconsider!!!!!

Submitted by Lisa on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 1:16 pm


This is extremely irresponsible. Just because you put words down on the website asking people to social distance doesn't mean they will. Just because the street faire isn't happening doesn't mean people won't set up shop hours in advance and congregate together along the sidewalks and parks. You are contributing to the spread of the virus in Mission Viejo and the spike in cases that will come from this event will be on your heads. Stop putting your head in the sand and thinking that doing the same things that have caused spikes in cases to occur will actually not happen if you just "tell" people to be responsible. People will do what they want to do, but you don't need to give them the avenue to do it. Extremely disappointed in the MV decision makers on this. You didn't do what is right for the community as a whole. One night of fireworks should not supersede the long term health of thousands of people.

Submitted by Christine on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 2:23 pm


Thank you for not ruling the city, we can rule ourselves. I'm sure a lot of people will watch from their homes and cars or take an evening stroll. For the elderly or those with health issues I'm sure they're smart enough to take care of themselves. Exactly what Independence Day represents.

Submitted by Leslie B on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 3:00 pm


I think it is extremely irresponsible for the city to continue with the firework show. People don't social distance going to the grocery store or restaurants. You expect people to do so on Saturday? The Governor has requested that all shows be cancelled this year. It's irresponsible to put patriotism with a firework show over people's safety. Some respect should be shown to the healthcare providers who risk their lives to care for ours.

Submitted by Paul on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 3:06 pm


Please reconsider and cancel. Most other cities have cancelled fireworks. I dont want many people from other cities and counties crowding Mission Viejo a few days after the 07/01/20 state shut downs of indoor dining and recreational facilities. Where will they use the restroom?

Submitted by Allan Vargo on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 4:09 pm


The increase in Covid19 cases are mainly due increase in the millions of people tested and counting regular Flue cases. Democrats need to be replaced and liberal media is no longer trust worthy!ii9ClI9iCl

Submitted by Greg on Wed, 07/01/2020 - 8:02 pm


This is a bad idea. First of all if you really care about the kids and families you won't put families in a position where they have to tell their children that they can't go see the fireworks. Nor would you put families in a position where--because the "usual" places will be closed, more people will crowd together and will not be socially distant enough despite best efforts. So all of us who are trying to really flatten the curve, the families who take this seriously, are the ones that are going to be punished this July 4th. Oh except I suppose the ones that happen to have prime real estate facing the lake. Right. So you're doing it for them then? Thanks city council. You really thought this through.

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