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Are you prepared for the unthinkable?

If a terror attack happened in Mission Viejo, would you know what to do? Preparing for terrorist attacks is unfortunately something we all should do, just like planning for earthquakes, fires and other emergencies. 

As part of an ongoing effort to educate residents in emergency preparedness, the City of Mission Viejo is offering detailed emergency preparedness information through the Emergency Survival Program (ESP).  This guide features monthly topics, historical information and what you can do now to prepare. May's focus is on terrorism.

Fear is a natural human reaction to natural disasters and other events that hit suddenly and seem to threaten our safety, loved ones and our daily lives. Terrorists use this natural reaction to multiply the effect of their actions to advance their political or social goals. Like bullies in the schoolyard, terrorists want to intimidate and frighten others to get their own way. But, terrorists are not in charge. We have control over our peace of mind and can help ensure our safety by taking some of the same actions we would take to prepare for earthquakes or fires. It all starts with a family emergency plan.

By knowing what you can do now, during and after an attack, you and your family can be better prepared for any emergency.  A great resource is Orange County's ReadyOC.org website, which helps residents to prepare through "making a kit, planning and being informed."

For more in-depth information on this month's topic and other preparedness information, visit the City's emergency preparedness page.

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