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City Council establishes voting process for 2022 General Election, all five Council districts are up for election

City seal

The Mission Viejo City Council on Tuesday, July 12 established the voting process for the upcoming general election on November 8. As a result, all five newly established City Council districts will be up for election for four-year terms.

While this matter is essentially still pending before the courts and wouldn’t have reached a final resolution for months, the City Council, which voted 5-0 in favor of the motion, took preemptive action to prevent confusion and uncertainty heading into the general election, particularly for voters and potential candidates, and to accommodate recent requests from the Registrar of Voters to achieve certainty for ballots and campaign materials.

“We proactively establish… that all five districts be up for election,” said Mayor Wendy Bucknum. “We run our City in a smart, efficient and common sense manner.”

The City of Mission Viejo previously reached a stipulated judgement with the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project to change its voting system. The City has diligently worked in good faith to lawfully comply with those stipulations, including the implementation of district-based voting to ensure appropriate representation for all Mission Viejo residents.  Tuesday’s actions further this important goal.


Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Wed, 07/13/2022 - 10:58 am


I lost my cool at the podium last night because once again, this council crafted a process for their desired benefit.

The Council lost in Court and now they think they fool the voters into believing that they are the heroes.

NOW they want to create a process for the public to participate in AFTER the November election.

They have had 5 years for a public process.

Voters have spoken in favor of staggered terms. The reality is, this council do not want a public process. Everything they have done on this election process has been done behind closed doors.

But it was a huge victory for the voters as all five council members will now have to go out for vote in November 2022.

If staggered elections were a benefit for them, they would have voted for staggered elections.

Instead, they voted against the voters. Now it is the voters turn to vote!

Even though we only get to vote for one council member every four years, if the council had allowed us to have the benefit of staggered elections, districts would have had the opportunity every two years to change the make-up of our council. But it is not to be.

Our city is being run by con artists who are continuing to game the system for their own benefit.

And let's talk about creating a predetermined outcome: the City Council last night adjourned at 9:04 and by 9:30 this press release was posted on the City's Facebook page, probably by the city attorney.

Wow - talk about crafting a process for a desired outcome... Way to go city council!

Submitted by Connie Lanzisera on Thu, 07/14/2022 - 9:42 am


I have never heard of all board members with the same terms before. Is this something unique to MV? I believe we need staggered terms. Who made this decision?

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