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Council considers Housing Element, 2023-25 Budget and more Tuesday

council chamber

The City Council on Tuesday considered an update to the City’s Housing Element and adopted its two-year budget, among other business.

On the heels of the June 12 public hearing and June 22 Housing Element Workshop, Council Members considered an update to the Housing Element. The City’s Housing Element provides an analysis of the community's housing needs for all income levels and strategies to provide for those housing needs. The Housing Element is one of nine State-required components of every city’s General Plan. Unlike the other elements, the Housing Element must be updated on an eight-year schedule and be approved by the State’s Department of Housing and Community Development. During Tuesday’s meeting, several residents spoke in favor of the update and their experiences at the Housing Element Workshop. After receiving that public input, the Council directed staff to make additional revisions based on recent communication with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and submit to the HCD for review.

After a presentation about the steps taken to prepare the City’s proposed 2023-25 Budget and last meeting’s Budget Workshop, Council Members adopted the City’s budget.

Council Members also proclaimed July as Parks and Recreation Month. Several Recreation and Community Services employees provided heartfelt stories about how working at a City facility, living in Mission Viejo and interacting with residents has profoundly impacted their lives. This annual proclamation includes a proactive focus on parks, recreation and activities that have long been a hallmark of Mission Viejo’s agenda.

In other Council news, City staff spoke about a recent opportunity to repurpose dirt from the La Paz widening project, which would save money on that and subsequent efforts including a future expansion of the Oso Creek Trail. 

The City Council normally meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Meetings are streamed live on the City’s website and air on Cox Channel 30 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99. Residents are encouraged to sign up for the City's eNewsletter and follow the City's official social media sites for the most accurate, up-to-date information.  

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