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Council to recognize outstanding Marines, review revised City budget June 25

council chamber

The City Council on June 25 will recognize some outstanding Marines as well as consider the City’s operating and capital improvement program revised budget.

The business portion of the meeting starts at 6 pm in the Council Chamber at 200 Civic Center. 

Council Members will recognize outstanding members of the City’s adopted Headquarters Battalion of the First Marine Division at Camp Pendleton. "Marine of the Quarter" Lance Corporal Vanessa Esquivel; and "Noncommissioned Officer of the Quarter" Corporal Jake R. Danieli will be honored for their individual contributions to the battalion.  The City of Mission Viejo “adopted” Headquarters Battalion in 2006, and since then the City, residents, businesses, the Marines and Sailors Adoption Committee and Mission Viejo Community Foundation have provided year-round support to the Marines and Sailors. These volunteers work to positively impact the lives of those who protect our freedoms.

With July 1 marking the midpoint of the City’s 2-year Budget, the Council will review and consider the Fiscal Year 2024-25 City Operating and Capital Improvement Program Revised Budget. In addition, Council Members will consider approving a new agreement with a vendor to be the library’s primary source of physical books, materials, and processing supplies, as well as the provision of services for electronic selections, acquisitions, and cataloging.

Council meetings are streamed live on the City’s website and air on Cox Channel 30 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99. Residents are encouraged to sign up for the City's eNewsletter and follow the City's official social media sites for the most accurate, up-to-date information.


Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Mon, 06/24/2024 - 9:43 am


Who decides what is posted in these press releases and who decides what is not posted in the press releases?

Because what is NOT posted in this City generated press release is the Closed Session Item #CS2: real property negotiations for the purchase of the CVS building across from City Hall.

On March 26, 2024, the Council directed staff to pursue the purchase of Big Lots or the CVS building. All without the Fundraising Feasibility Study nor the analysis and floor plan.

On April 9, 2024 was a Closed Session discussion on the purchase of Big Lots without any reportable action. The negotiating party in both Big Lots and CVS is property owner The Robert Victor Zakari Living Trust.

Ironically, on June 22, 2022, during a special Council meeting, the Council voted 4-1 NOT to pursue the CVS purchase. Brian Goodell was the only Council Member strongly pushing the purchase. Why did Goodell push a purchase so hard? And now it's two years later, the CVS building is still available and the City is pursuing the purchase, all WITHOUT further public engagement.

The City is currently being sued for its violations of the CC&R's. There was a hearing on June 14 and June 21. The Judge is expected to issue her ruling this week. Shouldn't the Council postpone CS2 to the next Council meeting, so they can read Judge Servino's decision and then make an informed decision on this proposed purchase for a theatre?

And to add more insult to injury, our City government continues its lack of transparency by not disclosing a document that is going to be signed overseas.

So, here we go again. Members of the City Council are flying to the Paris Summer Olympic games to sign a MOU with the Netherlands Olympic Committee.

Yet, the citizens of Mission Viejo have no idea what’s in that agreement. The Netherlands Olympic Committee must be extremely happy with the terms because they offered free rooms to the Council. They know more about the agreement than the taxpayers who are funding this "great accomplishment".

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