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Governor orders more closures as COVID-19 cases spike


As COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to increase, Governor Gavin Newsom Monday announced additional closures – effective immediately – across the state and for counties on the watch list.

In Orange County, dine-in restaurants, wineries and tasting rooms, fitness centers, worship services, offices for non-essential sectors, personal care services (like nail salons, body waxing and tattoo parlors), hair salons and barbershops and malls must close.  Additionally, bars, brewpubs, breweries and pubs must close all operations both indoor and outdoor statewide.

Orange County has seen a COVID-19 case spike in recent weeks. As of today's reporting, the region’s totals bumped up to 25,255 confirmed infections and 424 deaths. 

“This virus is not going away anytime soon,” Gov. Newsom said during a press conference. “I hope all of us recognize that if we were still connected to some notion that somehow when it gets warm it’s going to go away or somehow it’s going to take summer months or weekends off — this virus has done neither.”

See the complete list of closures on the State’s website at https://covid19.ca.gov.


Submitted by Connie Belmont on Mon, 07/13/2020 - 6:12 pm


This is the worst lie in history, the governor should be impeached.. President Trump please help us. The working class are being destroyed by this lunatic. How do they expect us to survive, he is single handedly put many businesses into bankruptcy. I have been in Mission Viejo for 45 years and am disappointed in the whole state. You allow 20,000 people to protest and you blame the stores for this. RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Stuart on Tue, 07/14/2020 - 6:21 pm


Hopefully this shutdown will actually be enforced, rather than ignored like the last one was. Please don't let your decisions be clouded by a vocal minority who think 150+ countries and every doctor and scientist in them are part of some vast conspiracy.

Our grandparents were drafted to go overseas to fight and die for this country. All we have to do is stay home when possible, and wear a mask when not.

Anyone too weak to be able to do that is an embarrassment.

Submitted by Ida Dailey on Tue, 07/14/2020 - 6:34 pm


I was laid off due to COVID. I am actively looking for work. Businesses are expected to close but stimulus cares act will end this month. How will our state survive?

Submitted by Mary Alice Wuerz on Tue, 07/14/2020 - 6:45 pm


I feel for those who own small businesses, and all of us who stand to lose our jobs. However, it is Trump's inaction and lies that have created this catastrophe, and McConnell and his cohort in Congress that have refused to provide the finding needed so that people could both shut down *and* keep paying their bills.

If the protests were responsible for the surge in cases, then similar surges should have occurred in NY. That they haven't is pretty good evidence that wearing masks and staying outside is great at preventing transmission of this disease.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/14/2020 - 6:52 pm


Does that mean that places like gymnastics studios, kids dance studios and karate classes need to be closed or cancelled?

Submitted by C Guerr on Tue, 07/14/2020 - 9:25 pm


The mortality rate and ACTUAL case numbers are extremely low. CA State Governor CORRUPTION is high. Tell the mask "Shamers" that you are allergic to TYRANNY. The masks are ineffective and unhealthy. "A chainlink fence does not keep a mosquito from getting through." Author Name Unknown. To use masks on healthy children is child abuse. Allegedly, the governor plans to order the release of around 8000 criminal prison inmates to wander around in your communities. If you are able, please sue, sign the recall petition, protest and tell everyone you know, and those you don't, that this is nothing more than political and social control via fear tactics, violating the 1st, 4th Constitutional amendments and trampling on the Declaration of Independence (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness). The governor is violating separation of powers. He can't make laws. Voice your opposition. Contact U.S. Congressmen. Contact the White House. Ask Congress and the Feds to DEFUND CA. The state and county agencies are coding and counting other medical issues as "covid" to get more federal funding. You have three choices: fight, flight or die. Fight this false shutdown.

Submitted by JOhn G on Wed, 07/15/2020 - 8:15 am


I'm not sure that the mass protests were "Allowed". It's not possible to curtail that sort of activity without using tactics that would would impact our Republic.

Submitted by Danean MacAndrew on Wed, 07/15/2020 - 10:09 am


The OC death rate remains at 0.01%. While I could somewhat understand the original "14 days to flatten the curve" before we understood the virus, this current lockdown is irrational and unscientific. Shuttering mom and pop shops and churches while encouraging "protests" and leaving big box stores open is not based on the numbers nor on science.

Submitted by Eric S. on Wed, 07/15/2020 - 3:04 pm


Businesses that are being closed are ones where you are unable to wear a face covering and/or social distance. You can go to a big box store to purchase essentials and maintain distance from others and everyone is required to wear face-covering. So that is the difference, for anyone that is confused. The current OC death rate is not 0.01%, it is 1.6% (approximately a little more than 3 in every 200 people that tested positive in OC have died) and hospitalizations are on the rise. Deaths are a lagging indicator so death rate most likely will rise. Please refrain from posting/passing -on false information, we will rely on our President to provide that service.

Submitted by Sarah on Wed, 07/15/2020 - 4:48 pm


"The horse is already out of the barn.......too late to close the barn door!" This decision to close down gyms, hair salons, church is not based on science or even common sense. What ever happened to taking personal responsibility for yourself? it's not difficult, wash hands, social distance, wear a mask when social distancing not possible.

Submitted by Brock Anderson on Wed, 07/15/2020 - 5:05 pm


It is obvious you cannot run or hide from COVID-19. The 0.01% mortality rate is indicative of some understanding of the viral affect on certain specific segments of our population with other life threatening conditions. So the real focus should be on how to fight back and not cower in fear or knee-jerk panic reactions. Many of the businesses have stepped up to temperature taking, frequent cleansing and re-cleansing of their facilities for our health and safety. It makes no sense at all to further stop their efforts by shutting them down again. We would be better off to temporarily stop the flow of bodies in and out off the state as well as the country until the virus is traced to its source and eradicated . We should be following in the footsteps of South Korea and clean up / / sanitize our act in our neighborhoods and cities by eliminating all elements of disease promoting infestations breeding all sorts of life threatening conditions. Wash our hands before we eat, clean our rooms, houses , playgrounds, etc. Most importantly "UNITE" in our efforts and support each other in all our efforts. There is so much truth and wisdom in the revered saying....."United We Stand But Divided We Will Fall. So Be Safe, Be Smart, Keep it Clean, most importantly be supportive of others who like you are working to reclaim their rights to be Healthy and Free to Be Out there in the World and not barricaded in a closet!

Submitted by John on Wed, 07/15/2020 - 6:30 pm


"If you want to wear a mask, you can. If you don't, you don't. But those who don't wear them will take a chance on passing germs around. We will never slow this virus down. I miss my friends and I miss going to school, but I don't want to go if this virus is still out of control. We need to help the nurses and doctors, too! Whose helping them?

If our president said to wear your mask, the dummies who don't wear them now would wear them. But since our President is a dummy...."

This came from my 12 year old son after he read through this!!!!!

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