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Improvements continue at Oso Creek Water Reclamation Plant

core area vision plan

The Santa Margarita Water District is continuing to make improvements at its nearly 50-year-old Oso Creek Water Reclamation Plant to make way for a new state-of-the-art water reclamation plant and water treatment facility.

The facility is nestled next to the Oso Creek Trail between The Village Center and Commerce Center. With the demolition phase in its final weeks, neighbors can expect increased noise intermittently through June as large crushing machinery works to recycle onsite materials. According to the water district, the work will take place from 7 am to 3 pm Monday through Friday and doesn't include weekends or holidays.   

The pulverizing activity uses crushing machinery to reduce large pieces of concrete and asphalt to a gravel and sand mixture that can be recycled and used in the new construction, reducing hauling and construction costs. The noise produced by this equipment is a steady, rhythmic hum.  

Phase two, which includes upgrades and construction of the treatment plant, begins in September. The third phase follows in 2023 with construction of the administrative building and warehouse.  

When completed, the new plant will improve the creek's water quality and help develop an increased sustainable, local water supply. It's part of the community's Core Area Vision Plan

Learn more about the water district's project at this link or by calling 949-459-6420.   


Submitted by Joe on Wed, 06/01/2022 - 2:45 pm


This is great to see. Investment in core infrastructure, especially water treatment, will keep Mission Viejo on track for decades to come. It may not be pretty but it is critical for our daily lives.

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