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New State Framework Provides Blueprint for OC Reopenings

State Blueprint

A new blueprint for business sector reopening was unveiled by Governor Gavin Newsom on August 28, which includes a color-coded tiered system that will use two metrics to measure the novel coronavirus: recent case rates and what share of tests are coming back positive. Along with the tiers, Gov. Newsom announced that hair salons and barbers could reopen to a limited 25 percent capacity in Orange County.

The tiers are designated by four colors: purple (widespread), red (substantial), orange (moderate) and yellow (minimal with the lowest restrictions). Orange County is currently in a purple tier. If trends hold, the County could soon bump down to the red tier.

The State’s Department of Public Health also changed its COVID-19 math. Now, case rates are tracked as averages of new cases per 100,000 residents over one week with a seven-day lag. The positivity rate is meant to provide an illustration of the numbers, independent of how many tests are administered. The new pandemic math is not just based on the number of tests but the percentage of people who test positive.

Counties must remain at each tier for a minimum of 21 days. The State’s new website, COVID19.ca.gov, will track the metrics, show an interactive map and list business sectors open by each county.

Businesses and residents can visit covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy/ to search by business or activity type to check current operational status.


Submitted by Mary Thompson on Thu, 09/03/2020 - 6:14 pm


When OC was taken off the watch list our numbers justified being on the tier below the one we are in. I am asking our County Health Officials to take a stand against what the Gov is doing. If they do not the city and county will not survive.

Thank you

Submitted by C on Thu, 09/03/2020 - 8:38 pm


What you can do.
Contact your Congressmen and request to:
1. Reopen economy fully.
2. Stop the riots.

Sign the petition to recall CA Governor.
Join a class action suit against CA gov't tyranny.
Donate money to your charity of choice.
Join an ACTUAL peaceful protest.
Make your own protest poster and walk a high traffic corner.
VOTE out the existing corrupt CA government.
Support your local law enforcement with money, volunteer time or walk near their office with a thank you sign and your U.S. flag and or the blue line flag.

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