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OCTA wants to know your vision for transit in Mission Viejo

What's your vision of transit in Mission Viejo and throughout Orange County?  Do you want trains, buses, shuttles, or something different? The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is asking for your help in shaping the future of transit.

You can design your own transit system with the interactive Build Your Own System survey that allows you to select from various transit features that could enhance transit in Orange County.  These features include stops, stations, vehicle types and service. As you develop your transit system, you can see the benefits - such as enhanced ridership, travel time, accessibility or passenger experience - change in real-time.

For more information, visit www.octa.net/octransitvision.


Submitted by Brenda Cooper on Fri, 04/28/2017 - 11:45 pm


I am not interested in public transportation and if I ever get too old to drive my car I will
take a taxi or urber. Brenda Cooper, Mission Viejo

Submitted by Donald L Dobbs on Thu, 04/27/2017 - 8:44 pm


I would be satisfied with synchronized traffic signals on all major arteries. And, fix potholes in a timely fashion.

Submitted by Kathy Dittner on Fri, 04/28/2017 - 4:56 pm


I would like to see the kind of freeways when I came to S California in 1968, in good condition, enough lanes to handle traffic, no toll roads but all lanes accessible to everyone who pays gas taxes, registration for vehicles, and state taxes to maintain all our roads.

Trains are 19 Century, buses are 20th Century and shuttles quaint for local travel. We want to get to where we are going in our own cars without crowed freeways, local traffic jams and lights that don't make you wait on side streets for 3 or 4 minutes. It takes me 5-7 minutes to get from Estanciero to La Paz in Mission Viejo with 4 lights to wait. Ridiculous!

Now the State is taxing us once again for transportation, roads and maintenance . When will people wake up and see our taxes are going to Jerry Brown's high speed debacle and not to alleviate our over crowed shabby freeways,

Submitted by Dwight B on Fri, 04/28/2017 - 6:08 am


Looking into the future and potential redevelopment downtown, I believe that it would be a great idea to have a shuttle with greater frequency along Marguerite and key points in the city. Parking is and will continue to be an issue.

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