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Register for free series of fine arts workshops for young adults

art workshop

Young adults will have the chance to tap their creativity and have fun through a series of free fine arts workshops in the New Year. 

Taking place on Saturdays from 2 to 4 pm, the "Create Your Story" workshop series runs from January 6 through February 10 at the Potocki Center for the Arts, 27301 La Paz Road.  Hosted by the City in partnership with Laguna Playhouse, the workshops are open to Orange County residents aged 15 - 24.  

Participants will learn fine arts techniques such as watercolor painting, acrylic painting, and sculpture creation and will explore the mental wellness benefits of art creation. All sessions and supplies are provided with funding from the Orange County Health Care Agency. 

Register today at https://bit.ly/3RM2cfA. For more information, contact libraryprograms@cityofmissionviejo.org.


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