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See Council update regarding Oso Creek Golf Course, Public Open Space Vision Plan and rumor mill

council meeting

If you missed Tuesday's City Council meeting that focused on the Oso Creek Golf Course and Public Open Space Vision Plan and lease revenue bonds for the Core Area Vision Plan, the video is now online.  

During the meeting, proposed ideas of what could be accomplished in the future for the Oso Creek Golf Course and Public Open Space Vision Plan were presented by a City consultant.  The Council took the following actions:

(1) Received and filed the report; (2) approved the near term (2-4 year) project recommendations for consideration in the corresponding annual budget adoption processes; and (3) will look at just the 4-6 years beyond that from a staff planning budgetary standpoint. In a separate move, the Council approved the issuance of Mission Viejo Community Development Financing Authority Lease Revenue Bonds for the Core Area Vision Plan. 

Council Members and City Manager Dennis Wilberg also took the opportunity to dispel false statements and misinformation distributed by some in town.  

"I wanted to thank Mayor Kelley and the Council for last night's council meeting and the topics of the Vision Plan and associated bond," said Brian H. on the City's news article. "We, like many of our neighbors, had some distressing flyers dropped on our doorstep. I appreciated the calm elucidation from the Mayor and the Council Members for constituents like myself who were not privy to the history of the Vision Plan and Bond measure. I especially appreciated the time taken to reiterate the facts and dispel the gross misrepresentations of the rumor mill which brought so many people in last night. Not one for apathy or inaction, I felt it prudent to come down last night and see for myself if the alleged lack of transparency and integrity were real. I was relieved to find no such thing and I am now excited about the Vision Plan. For anyone caught up in or distressed by the rumors circulating about the Council and the Vision Plan/Bond, please attend a City Council meeting! I am sure you will find relief and even excitement. The plan is bold, progressive, and with residents' best interest at heart. I can't wait to see the changes!" 

As always, community members are encouraged to get involved, take part in meetings, and stay on top of the latest news and accurate information through the City's website, eNewsletter and official social media sites.  


Submitted by Randy Tiffany on Thu, 11/11/2021 - 9:53 pm


Why is this “news”, presentations & actions being released 6o days AFTER the fact (meeting) Sept. 14? I’m on your e-mail distribution list; how is it that you did not announce this important meeting in September?

Submitted by City Staff on Fri, 11/12/2021 - 1:26 pm


Thank you for your comment on the News page and for being an eNewsletter subscriber. If you are referring to the Oso Creek Golf Course and Public Space Vision Plan, at Tuesday’s meeting the City Manager provided a detailed PowerPoint presentation about the more than 50 outreach efforts on numerous platforms over the last year (the video of the item is available here: https://missionviejo.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=12&clip_id=21…).

As to the Civic Core Vision Plan action discussed at the September 14 City Council Meeting (the video is available here: https://missionviejo.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=12&clip_id=21…), articles about this item were posted on the City’s News page before the meeting on September 10 and 14, and after the meeting on September 15. These were featured in the eNewsletters on September 10 and 16. Multiple posts were made on and around these dates about the item on the City’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Nextdoor and YouTube pages. As the City Manager noted in his presentation on Tuesday as linked above, please let us know if there are alternate communication methods which you may find preferable.

Thank you again for being an eNewsletter subscriber. From the same subscription page (https://cityofmissionviejo.org/subscribe) you can sign up to receive Agendas of the City Council Meetings, Planning and Transportation Commission Meetings, Community Services Commission Meetings, etc., so that you may be appraised of upcoming meetings.

Submitted by ED TUTTON on Fri, 11/12/2021 - 2:41 pm


This not from an adversary or angry resident ,but from a disappointed one.
Disappointed ,in a seemingly short sighted approach to reducing the attractiveness of the course rather than modernizing and expanding it's design and condition.
Short sighted in not considering adding it to the Sport's Complex adjacent. Taking advantage of the national and world exposure enjoyed by our Olympic track and field accomplishments, swimming and diving ,soccer ,Wheel Chair tennis events and resident players on the PGA tour
We need not create another Mission Impossible ,Oso Creek Enjoyable would suffice.
The Norman P Murray Community Center is more convenient to the main retail modernization plans. It's foot print could be remodeled and or expanded to accommodate additional "public events " and esaily accept an addition to the signage that includes "And Event Center" I strongly agree with Councilman Sachs' motion to only proceed with changes to the course when studied and authored by a Licensed Golf Course Designer and am willing to vote against any plans that are in opposition

Ed Tutton

Submitted by Rita Tayenaka on Fri, 11/12/2021 - 9:01 pm


It is sad that there are people who want to stir the pot and spread false statements- if only we could listen to the city and what they present- rather than the "fake news" that filled the city council chambers. Looking forward to the positive things happening with the trails and the Paseo!

Submitted by Larry Gilbert on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 5:58 pm


I have not seen the flyer referenced in this post. All of my public comments at City Council meetings for the past 30 years are based on City documents or council comments. I.e. until we exposed the future plan to bulldoze the Y to make room for a other Nadadore Olympic sized swimming pool we were kept in the dark. The city had no comment about displacing 3000 Y members who fully utilize the complex. All they said was this change would happen if the Y wants out. On sept 15th the president sent a letter to City Hall clearly stating not having any desire to leave the City. Readers. This is not fake news. It's citizen oversight. Ironically I served on a City Oversight Board a few years ago.

Submitted by City Staff on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 9:45 am


Thank you for your comment on the News page concerning the November 9 City Council Meeting. As to the comment that the public was “kept in the dark” about the Oso Creek Golf Course and Public Space Vision Plan, the plan and pages were a part of the public workshops on March 11 and July 27 and you can watch those full meetings on the City’s YouTube Channel at https://youtu.be/hM0IohH-PCg and https://youtu.be/xjPKe-amZ7w.

During this last City Council Meeting, the City Manager provided a detailed PowerPoint presentation on the more than 50 public outreach efforts about the Oso Creek Golf Course and Public Space Vision Plan on the City’s eNewsletter, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Nextdoor, YouTube pages and more over the last year (the video of the item is available here: https://missionviejo.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=12&clip_id=21…). As the City Manager noted in this presentation, please let us know if there are alternate communication methods which you may find preferable. You may follow the City on any of the social media platforms and sign up for the eNewsletter at https://cityofmissionviejo.org/subscribe.

Submitted by Wally Leasure on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 12:47 pm


Keep up the great work City Council team! Awesome to see the pride in our city and looking forward to more improvements to come...

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