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Volunteers sought for Mission Viejo Smoke Alarm Event April 8

The City of Mission Viejo, Orange County Fire Authority and American Red Cross are seeking local volunteers to help install free smoke alarms and distribute fire safety information to the community.

Part of the City’s ongoing fire prevention and safety efforts, this home fire campaign effort is from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 8.

Teens 14 and older are welcome to volunteer with parent/guardian permission. To volunteer, register here or contact Polly Bowen at pollybowen@ocfa.org.


Submitted by Quinn Shannon on Sat, 03/04/2017 - 1:46 pm


I am a fire explorer under OCFA, lifeguard certified with Red Cross, as well as employed with the city of Mission Viejo. I just turned 17 and my cell is (949)200-0601. I look forward to hearing back.
Thank you.

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