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Volunteers sought for Symphony in the Cities Saturday, August 14

girl scout volunteers

If you're looking for a fun-filled way to give back this summer, consider volunteering at this year's Symphony in the Cities event on Saturday, August 14.

You can earn community service hours, have fun and feel good while savoring music by the Pacific Symphony led by Maestro Carl St.Clair and enjoy a host of fun activities during the City's Prelude in the Park.

With a theme of "Brighter Days Ahead" this year's Symphony in the Cities includes the Children's Musical Playground and Prelude in the Park from 4 to 7 pm followed by the concert at 7 pm. Free shuttle service transports guests round-trip from the Civic Center from 4 to 9:30 pm.

All volunteers will need to fill out a waiver and application:

Adult volunteer waiver and application

Youth volunteer waiver and application

For information about volunteering, email symphonyvolunteer@cityofmissionviejo.org


Submitted by Patricia Petric on Fri, 07/16/2021 - 6:06 am


I would most enjoy volunteering for the Symphony in the Cities, featuring Pacific Symphony. I am a long-time supporter of Pacific Symphony and most appreciate their outstanding community outreach efforts. Please allow me the privilege and pleasure of volunteering for this year's Mission Viejo concert. Thank you!

Pat Petric

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