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family camping

Camp Out registration now open for Mission Viejo residents

If you're seeking a rustic and fun staycation, look no further. Registration is now available for the 2018 summer Camp Out at Cordova Park.

city seal

Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Transportation Commission of the City of Mission Viejo will conduct a public hearing pertaining to the item listed below.

woman playing tennis

Early bird registration underway for Women's Summer Continuation League

Ready for a fun, social and competitive summer?  Sign up for the 6-week

children with soccer ball and basketball

Register today for fun-filled summer camps!

Whether it's cooking, building, adventure or sports, we've got some exciting summer camps that your kids will surely love.

veteran with high school football player

Veterans sought for Mission for the Armed Forces Football Game

U.S. Military veterans listen up!