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hunger boxes

Be a ‘Hunger Champion’

The City of Mission Viejo is encouraging residents to be “Hunger Champions” as part of an ongoing effort to end hunger in the region.

shredding paper

Free Document Shredding Event September 9

Mission Viejo Police Services and the City are giving community members the chance to destroy their sensitive documents on Saturday, September 9.

school crossing sign

Back-to-school safety includes disaster preparedness

As part of an ongoing effort to educate residents in emergency preparedness, the City of Mission Viejo is offering detailed information through the Emergency Survival Prog

caprese salad

Savor final days of Restaurant Week

It’s almost Friday night and the mood is right for eating out – Mission Viejo style. This weekend marks the end of the 1st annual Mission Viejo Restaurant Week.

J.A. Jance

Don't miss popular mystery author’s Mission Viejo visit Sept. 12

Save the date for Tuesday, September 12 when popular author J.A. Jance appears in the City’s Writers Present program at 7 p.m. at the Norman P.