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General Plan


California State law requires that every city adopt a General Plan, sometimes referred to as the City's blueprint for growth and development. Mission Viejo's General Plan is divided into eight "elements" or chapters that contains goals, policies and programs which are intended to guide land use and development decisions. From time to time the City has amended or comprehensively updated elements of the General Plan to further refine the City's vision for its own long-term physical development. The elements contained in the General Plan are those required by the California Government Code Section 65302 and the two optional elements, Economic Development and Growth Management, as permitted by Government Code Section 65303.

The General Plan document is posted on this webpage for the convenience of the public. Copies of the City's General Plan and Land Use Policy Map may be purchased at the City's Community Development Department. General Plan land use designations, Development Code zoning districts, and other detailed property information from a geographic perspective may be viewed by using the City's Community View/GIS program. For additional information, please contact the Community Development Department at (949) 470-3053.



If you experience difficulties viewing the documents online, current agenda items are also available in printed form at City Hall and Mission Viejo Library.