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We are the proud family of Jett (formerly Adam), one of the 4 puppies that Rachel had 9 weeks ago. I personally want to thank Sharon for trusting us with this little, 2 pound angel puppy, and thank you to Candy for fostering him for 8 weeks. Jett has transitioned in to our family flawlessly, and he was quickly taken under the wing of our 2 year old Pug, Gino. We are totally in love with our
Caleesi AKA Cali is doing great! We love her so much, she is so smart and she is very happy!
An update on Kaito, Formerly Buddy, adopted in 2014: Kaito Dog getting a bath! None too happy....Hope all is well with everyone down there....Kaito has been doing much better with other dogs as I take him to Pt. Isabel dog park here near Berkeley.I've learned to do the two tennis ball trick, having him tote around one ball in mouth; the other is to get him to drop the first in order for him to
Hi everyone, We adopted Luke & Lorelai ( you had them as George & Martha) just about a month ago. They are adjusting well and we are so happy that you chose us! Their bond is strong and they love to play with each other and take care of each other.
Hi,Just a quick note to update you on Roxy (aka Karina). She is now a spoiled little girl with tons of toys. Her favorite thing to do with her toys is tear out the squeaky immediately and play with it. We go on long daily walks which she loves, especially if she can meet and sniff her "neighbors". She has a next door neighbor "boyfriend" she loves but he doesn't really care about her. If she
Here are some photos of Marvin ( 11 months) and.." Lebowski".. ( the movie," The Big Lebowski")- my husband named him lol.. ( Sylvester's NEW NAME) Anyways, they are partners in Crime and just love each other and follow each other everywhere.Sleep together, run and play. Spoiled rotten now!It worked out great, they needed each other!Thank you for allowing me to bring a new addition that was
Just wanted to send another quick note to tell you how much "Bugsy" (formerly Shoku) means to us. He's not like any other cat on the planet. He's more like a dog actually, but my two boys and I love him SO much.It's coming up on a year since we've had him, and we cannot imagine our lives without him.P.S. The picture of Bugsy in the board game box was from earlier today. He gets into every box he
Dear MV Shelter Staff,Thank you SO much for the privilege of letting our Family adopt "Napoleon" this afternoon!He's already so affectionate
Hello everyone! Just wanted to check in and let you know that Kermit is doing fantastic! He just got back from the groomer and is very fluffy and happy. And he is always very happy and loves to be around us at all times. Kermit sleeps with Kiana every night and the two of them are inseparable. Thank you for helping us to match up with Kermit. He is a smart, loving and wonderful dog.
Submitted by You will be happy to know that that Trax, now named Slater after Kelly Slater the surfer (named by our son Reid) is doing great.He has clearly lived in a home before - slept all night next to my husband. Is house broken; knows where the refrigerator is and has found a favorite window seat. He is doing great with Buckeye and Hogan. He is not timid - he is confident. He does seem
The day after christmas (2014) we went to the shelter to adopt a maine coon cat we saw in a picture online. When we met him, we fell in love instantly. He was a mix of our past 2 cats that had past on within the last few years. "Sam" was his name but didn't really fit and he didn't respond to it. He is now "troubadour"(cause of the singing meow he gives off) and is very happy in his new home with
Submitted by The Mortenson Family Chopper is a happy and content dog. He Sits, Shakes his paw, lies down, and rolls over on command!
Hi All-I just wanted to send some photos and an update of Woodrow! He is just the sweetest cat. he's a great addition to our family. That is his big sister, Penny Lane in the photos with him. They are great friends from start, they even share beds. (As seen in the photo below, haha) We had our first doctors apt. Woodrow had an ear infection but, overall it was great! He was a really good sport
Good Morning! I am a former volunteer and current proud 'parent' of our cat Gabriel (formerly 'Pavel.') We adopted Gabriel from your shelter at Christmastime 2009. He came to you sick and wounded, and thanks to you, Dr. T. Thompson, and DAWG, he was nursed back to health. My husband and I are grateful everyday that you all cared enough about this little wounded creature to help him live, grow
Josie is doing well and gaining a lot of weight! She has made herself quite at home and seems very happy. Thanks for everything. (On the left, Josie's shelter photo. On the right, Josie in her new home)
My name is Nicole and about a month ago my family and I adopted Barbie, now known as Chasey. She has been nothing but a dream addition to our family. Our girl thinks she's a lap dog, but might be about 50 lbs and 2 feet too big. Our younger son and Chase have developed the greatest bond by playing catch with her many toys. Since Chase doesn't quite understand how big she is, she thinks it is
Yaaay for Olivia, the beige tabby kitten, and her sister, Bailey, the unusual looking black tortoiseshell kitten ! Poor Bailey ! I visited Olivia 4X before she came home and saw that nobody but NOBODY was loving on Bailey. So I kinda/sorta had BOTH in mind when I came April 25 to pick up Olivia. I asked at the front desk if she had been adopted out yet and learned that no one had put in an
Hi I wanted to update all of you on Blackbeard whom we adopted from your shelter in January 2015. We have renamed him Mac and have been working with Sara Prelle the trainer you recommended. She is amazing and Mac is doing very well he is so smart! We have taken him camping in our motorhome and to Arrowhead, he is a great travel companion and enjoys the outdoors. We are so happy to have Mac as a
I just wanted to thank you all for allowing us to adopt Pancakes into our family. I was asked to send a picture since I didn't have my son with me when I picked Pancakes up. Brayden & Pancakes are the best of friends.
I just wanted to send a big thank you to all of the shelter staff and volunteers for being so kind to us and bringing Penny (formerly Ruby) into our lives! She is settling in very well. We are taking obedience classes to work on her socialization (she's still very nervous around other dogs) and leash manners but she's coming along! We had a lovely Easter with her and took her down to Dana Point
Thank you so much for letting us take home Licorice (girl) and Twizzler (boy) who are now renamed Elsa and Sawyer. They are not just brother and sister but they are best friends. They are quite the snugglers and love playing with each other. We are coming up on their first birthday and are looking forward to many more years with them!
Submitted by Anna He's doing great! Took him about an hour to get comfortable and such but that night he curled up and slept with us! He is an amazing kitty, we re-named him Oliver, but we absolutely love him!
Here are my guys all decked out for St. Pats! Please share with the shelter if youwould and let everyone know that I truly am beyond blessed and I could not have chosenmore special boys. Jax (Ronaldo) still talks and talks, loves to be pettedand loves his kitty perch but as soon as I'm ready for bed in he comes andlays at the foot of my bed all night. Jett (Monk) is 11 months old now andso
Just sending you a little video of my wonderful boy Colby (formerly Cobain). He's a joy and my dogs love him. He's been a wonderful addition.
Bella & Leo are beyond Wonderful! They are the best babies. Their drive home was great, their first night- flawless & their first full day- pure bliss.I will forward more pictures, but for now here are a few of our first 24 hours.Thank you again for your kindness & care. Best wishes! PS. I really wished for an "L" name for miss Bella and she seems to be ok with Leila.