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Banjo was adopted in January 2015 and we received some wonderful photos from his family this week! They say he is like their shadow, following them all over the place. He has made many doggy friends in his 'hood and is overall a fantastic companion! He looks like he is having the time of his life!
We wanted to share a few pictures of Mr. Snuggles on his first day home. He's a welcome addition to our family. We will send you more pictures as his hair grows out.Thank you! (Mr. Snuggles just was neutered hence the cone) Update: Mr. Snuggles and family came by for a visit a few days after his adoption. They said he is doing great! He is even sporting a snazzy bowtie!
Wanted to send an update about Charles - whom I adopted from you on Sunday, Feb 22, 2015. The three attached photos will tell you the story of a contented cat. Charles has been one of the best things to happen to me in a very long time. My home was so empty when my 17 1/2 year old cat, Shadow, died. And I waited a bit of time until I found just the right companion. Charlie is it! He is so loving
This note is late in sending but wanted to let you know we adopted a grown, male cat (2 years old) to come and live us and his fellow cat brother. The cats initially did not like each other at all and we thought we would have to bring him back to the shelter but it took time, and now our cats are finally agreeable to live in the same house but not share any brotherly love. You at the shelter
Treble was adopted by one of our volunteers last year and has sent us this adorable photo of her nephew and Treble playing on the iPad together.
Dear Mission Viejo Animal Shelter,Thank you guys for allowing us to take home this little fluff of joy! She is absolutely adorable and fits right into our home! She is a quirky little girl and who can make just about anyone fall in love with her. She is so happy here, it's as if she's lived here her entire life! In one of the pictures I attached she is laying on her back absolutely dead asleep.
Hi everyone at the shelter!We have been the lucky owners of Lucy, who was in my lucky #4 kennel as Tootsie for about a month now. She is doing great! She is so well behaved and is my shadow. She's been Rv'ing with us and loves laying around in the dirt while camping. She really like LaPaws dog park too. She has a few dog-friends already and even was invited to a friend's home for dinner
I just wanted to update you on Kiwi (now known as Abu Ga'oud), the African Grey parrot we adopted from the shelter. He was one of the rescue birds that came with the 20 dogs and cats. He's such a loving boy, always barking, meowing, and laughing. He's even learned how to say "I love you", "good boy", and my name. I'm so thankful to have him as a wonderful member of our family. Thank you for
"Bo" Hercules has joined our family and has given us his "huge" love and brought joy into our lives. Bo is a perfect companion. One could not ask for a better disposition. We are blessed and overjoyed with him. Thanks to everyone at MVAS for letting us adopt Bo.
Sky was adopted in November 2013 and stopped by for a visit today! We were thrilled to see her and she was just as excited to see us! She has been having so much fun with her family - just look at the pictures!
I just wanted to inform you that Khaleesi's 4th birthday was yesterday and she had an amazing time being spoiled. I am truly thankful for her love every single day. Here are some updated photo from her birthday yesterday. She is the happiest little girl in the world. Thank you all for everything that you do!! :)
Hello!Today is the 1-month anniversary of our adoption of Kane (formerly Candy Cane). He was the only kitten at the shelter that day, but he has turned out to be the purrfect kitten for us! He is a bundle of energy, quite the talker and the best snuggler. His purr is powerful and he plays fetch better than most dogs! Kane also loves sleeping on his mama bear rug. We knew on the 2nd day that
As some of you know, Pistol Pete was adopted 5 years ago this week and his dad always brings him in to visit his old shelter friends and to thank us again for adopting Pistol Pete to him. Here he is today "re-creating" his adoption photo- along with a framed copy of that original photo! They are best friends and his dad is so grateful they found each other. Pistol Pete was also one of our models
Bug has made herself queen of our castle. She freely jumps into laps and up onto beds. She is anything but shy in her new home. She spend the night on Emily's bed. We are still working on a better name for her. Maybe Sadie? I hope to keep you updated but for now, know that she is safe and comfortable. Thanks for making this all possible!
Charlie fell asleep for the ride home and has hid since he was let out.... Cali on the other hand has made herself right at home in the right room...my sons... Update:Well both kitties like their cat tree! I think there were a lot of different scents in the house and this is now their own. Not sure when to move it out to the living room...but we are so excited to see both cats on the bed then in
Hi- I adopted Rufus (now named Ziggy) on Wednesday. Happy to report that he is totally acclimated and super happy! Thank you!!
Thank you so very much or welcoming me yesterday to adopt "Thor". He is such a sweet cat, and has quickly adapted to his new home. Actually, I am extremely surprised how fast he's adapted! The attached photos are from approximately 7 o'clock this morning. They were separated last night, both Fritzie and Thor, yet they were both very interested in smelling each other most of the night, so at 4:30
Hi! It's our 1-week anniversary with Cottonelle! She is settling in great with us--but unfortunately Bucky is not so thrilled to share his territory! The first couple days they did nothing but chase each other along their shared border. But thankfully they've since settled down a little and we often find them lounging alongside each other (!). We will be picking back up on the bonding sessions in
BANJO is doing fine. Helen has me & Banjo enrolled in an obedience class. ( Banjo is fine. I'm the one Helens still trying to train. )Banjo went for his first off-leach walk this morning & he did great. He knows "Banjo come ".He doesn't want me out of his sight.Helen & I feel very lucky. :) :)
As I promised you, I send you some pictures of Gulliver. He is an amazing dog, very nice and lovely with all the family. He is doing very well, we walk together every morning around Avalon and since Monday, every afternoon at 5.00 pm he can play with other dogs at the park. At 5.40 pm he is so tired that it is impossible for us to walk him home and we drive him home!!!!! The kids love him and
Hello! Just wanted to say hi and thank you for allowing us to take Harley in as a new member of our family. I know you guys loved to see updates on the pup so here is Harley's Instagram account with pictures: http://instagram.com/harleythepoof Happy New Year and again, thanks so much to allowing Harley to be part of our lives!
We are so thrilled to have Ozzie join our family. He has taken the place by storm and stolen our hearts. All the other pets are getting used to having him around too. Thank you for bringing him into our lives. Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas from Bugsy!
Hi everyone at MV shelter! Well, Kiki and I have bonded in a big way. She is so delightful and funny. I have laughed more in 36 hrs than I did all year long! Here she is on my lap between my chest and the laptop~need I say more! Sleeping away and then nudging my hand to scratch her head! What a joy she is!Thanks for all the treats, toys, blankie, etc. She is enjoying them all!Happy new Year to