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Hello! Almost 10 years ago, I adopted this baby (Jimmy now Simba) from MV Animal Shelter. Just wanted to share that I absolutely love this cat! He now has two human sisters.  I figured it would be fun to hear a happy story about how well he is doing 10 years later and I thank you all so much for what you do!
Hi! My partner and I adopted Café last week and we wanted to let you know that she is the absolute sweetest, most loving girl. We couldn't be happier. She has loved curling up in our laps for a nap since our first hours at home. She loves her cat tree and her cactus toy, but mostly just loves being around her people. We can't thank you enough for bringing her into our lives! Thank you!
Hello, We adopted Spencer (3 year old black lab) on May 26.  Our 10 year old golden had recently died and we were missing having a dog in our lives. I'm happy to report that Spencer is settling in really well and enjoying his back yard!  He is still working on his leash manners (improving every day) and his separation anxiety (he is getting more comfortable being left alone for a few
Hello to Rizzo's friends at the animal shelter. Today was Rizzo's birthday. (7 year adoption anniversary.) 7 years ago, he was picked up as a stray by another shelter. It was a kill shelter and, fortunately, your facility was able to take him from there. He was adopted and returned at least once. It may have been twice. He was in shelters for 2 months. Nobody wanted him.  I still remember
CASH is a very loving, smart and happy privileged 4.5 mo old puppy, who enjoys playing with any of his of toys, kayaking or boating on the weekends, riding in the car, meeting people and other dog friends.  Watching the chickens or baby goats next door captures his attention. He has brought much love and enjoyment to our family.  Thank you.
We have had Saydee for almost 6 months. We feel like she has been with us forever. She meshed right in with the family and she is pure joy. She loves her 16-year-old brother and her four-year-old cat instantly. She loves going on walks every day and her big backyard where she plays ball and suns with the cat and even helps her catch lizards. 
Snuggles and Downy are so sweet and playfully happy kittens! Our children love petting and playing with them. Downy is playful and constantly purring. Thank you taking such good care of them that they are so happy and sweet.
Hello, Wanted to share photos of Maple, the one year old Tabby we adopted.  We named her Coco.  She has come out of her shell and is just a crazy little kitty that we adore. She is our Coco loco. 
Dear Rockstar Employees/Volunteers,  We adopted Pluto (now named Lynyrd  on April 24, 2019 from MVAS. In light of current conditions we felt it was necessary to share some joy, Lynyrd has been the piece of the puzzle our family was missing. The moment we brought him home, he was very receptive to being a little brother to our     cat-son, Eugene. They are now the
Tux is doing great on our home. He is a gentle giant and so sweet. He greets us whenever we enter a room he is in with a loud and friendly meow- our granddaughter has taken to calling him "meow" due to his talking so much!  We adore our Tux and are so grateful you have found him!
Denny (aka Luis Miguel) doing great with new brother and sister. Brady and Denny love each other and sleep together always. Denny's unique personality traits ans spunk are peeking out more every day. He can be quite assertive for attention when he wants to be but as sweet as ever.  He goes on long walks with his brother, gets lots of kisses and hugs, loves his food and sleeping on warm
Dear Staff, Our family would like to thank everyone that was involved with the care taking of Fletcher,  he is an amazing new family member for us!  He adapted with in hours of him moving in. He's very vocal, and extremely loving, very curious, loves hanging out and being involved with us.  Again thank you.
Hi, Wanted to let you know that Precious is doing awesome! She was able to get her stitches out yesterday and today the "cone of shame" was able to be removed! :) She is playing and eating well and is just a rollie pollie cuddler! We could not be happier that we were able to make her a part of our family!
Hello, We're the proud family members for adopting Patrick, now Kita in our family.  He's such a great dog, now one of our family members and truly a blessing! We're so glad we took a chance on him not know if he was H/B... he's done remarkably well, and so easy going and loving! Thank you all, great staff members in helping us with Kita!  Still a little green, even after a couple
James (now Bowie) was difficult the first few days, but he's getting better quickly day by day!! We've been having so much fun with him and I think he's starting to settle in to his new home with us!!!! Thanks guys!  
We adopted Ringo as a companion for our dog Harrison.... Ringo is still learning how to be part of a family but he has been a joy....mischievous and loving! Thank you for all you do!! 
Hi, I just wanted to give you guys an update on Cooper (His shelter name was Legend- Siberian Husky mix). What a great dog!!! The first night we wondered what we had gotten ourselves into, he was crazy, hyper and pouncing our little dog and cat. But once the new home excitement wore off and some correction he's such a great addition to our family!!!He's the silliest dog with his toys, always has
Our family adopted Hazel on Sept 12,2018, she was 9 months old.  She is the most loyal, precious , fun and fierce fur baby ever! We just adore her. Ty so much For taking her off the streets!!!!  We celebrated her Birthday today, 2 yrs old.
Hello all staff of MVASC. I wish to thank you sincerely for having Gordy (his new name Rocket), because he takes off like a rocket all around the house and plays. We have completely bonded and he will be a huge part of my life for years to come I know.I feel he loves his new home and surroundings and is one of the most balanced kittens I have seen for some time and expect to have many happy
Good evening! Just sending in an update on Johnny as we all settle in. Johnny so far has loved being rocked like a baby, suckling on the sleeves of my hoodies, and sleeping on top of our pillows. He gets along wonderfully with the neighbors dog and they're starting to become good friends. The first thing Johnny does when I get home is do a figure 8 between my legs until I hold him lol! He is such
Hi! I wanted to give you an update on Cammie Camden. We adopted her from you on Dec 23rd. We named her Chamomile so that we can still call her "Chami." She is such a joy to have as part of our family! We kept her in a cage similar to the one that she was in at the shelter for about a week, when we had time to purchase her a much larger cage. We worried that moving her would make her nervous, but
Adopted  "Bailey", the Lab/Rottweiler mix, 7 years ago and "Cooper", the Husky/ Lab/ Pit bull mix,  9 months ago as new 10 week old puppy! Now, forever friends and partners in crime. Thank you Mission Viejo Animal Services for your care and guidance in these two successful adoptions!
Here are some pictures of Tommy that we adopted at your shelter. He has been being a good boy.  
We came to the "Clear the Shelter" event in August to adopt a kitten. We had Luna and Shaggy as the two top choices on our adoption application and just as we finished the app two employees started discussing a four year old Ragdoll that had been adopted the day before and returned that day. I've heard they are great cats so we took a look. Remmy, now known as Fluffy, quickly won us over and is