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Dear Rockstar Employees/Volunteers,

 We adopted Pluto (now named Lynyrd  on April 24, 2019 from MVAS. In light of current conditions we felt it was necessary to share some joy, Lynyrd has been the piece of the puzzle our family was missing. The moment we brought him home, he was very receptive to being a little brother to our     cat-son, Eugene. They are now the best of buds who love to sunbathe together on our patio.

With our family living so close to the beach, we were eager to show him how fun it could be. Lynyrd now loves to run up and down the sand, play in the water, and chase his tennis balls. He has a keen desire to feel all textures that he can explore i.e. sand, grass, stone, & snow. He is our little nature investigator; he is always excited for a new adventure.

Please see attached highlight reel of our first of many years with our cutie loves, our biggest boy of all time, Lynyrd.

Thank you!
