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More Success Stories

I just got Fizz, now named Felix, settled in at his new forever home and I cannot express how happy my spouse and I are. He is super sweet and I want to send my gratitude and appreciate to your organization for the stellar care and wonderfully beautiful process you provided us. I have left a rave review for you on Yelp and it is my sincere hope that more pet parents will come to you due to my
This is a little late but rather late than never! This is Billy  on the left and Jackson on the right (Guido and Blizzard at the shelter) that I adopted  20 years ago from the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter.  They brought  so much happiness and joy to my life. Thank you  for  bringing them into my life!
We’ve had Harley for almost a week now and he’s adjusting great. He’s such a happy, snuggly boy. My husband and I just love him so much. He loves playing with his toys, especially anything shiny. His favorite spot in the house seems to be right in front of the screen door watching everything going on outside. I gave him his first bath and groom today and although he wasn’t thrilled about
Walnut loves his new home and has been giving me kisses and cuddles, thank you sooooo much for him!!!!!
Hi! We adopted 2/3 kitties, (Dunkin and Starbucks) who are now Tiggy and Ozzy! Here is our story: We were always on the lookout for a new furry family member! We went to the animal shelter and saw the cutest kitties, so we adopted them! While looking at the success stories, I saw Tiggy and Ozzy's ( who were formerly known as Dunkin and Starbucks ) other sibling on there, so we knew we had
Bermuda now named Binx found his forever home on 7/23/2021 to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of my uncle passing due to Covid-19. My uncle loved animals, cats and dogs. He always told us the importance of adoption for shelter animals. While the form of grief still lingers Binx has made that emptiness a little easier to mend.Our family loves Binx and we thank you Mission Viejo animal shelter.
Hi Mission Viejo Animal Shelter Team! I just wanted to let you all know Odin (now Ranger) is thriving! The kids keep him busy and vice versa. He's such a good road dog. Thank you again for allowing us to have Odin join our family. We love him so much!!
I wanted to follow-up with an update on Luna (we renamed Tang). I can only imagine how hard it might be not knowing how well the pets are doing after being adopted, so I wanted to give a little update on ours. She's thriving! Luna seems so happy, we love her so very much. It was a little hectic introducing her to our other two cats. But, it's working out fine... They may not be besties, but
Hi everyone!!  I'm moved into my new home and have a lot of room for my 4 birds (3 of them coming from you guys) now. All my birds took about two days to get used to the new environment but here is Tweets on my shoulder. I named her Cleopatra. She's a total sweetheart. She is absolutely terrified of Tiki and Pepper so I separate them and play with Cleo when the Conures are in the
Hi! We adopted our Luna girl on 6/6/20 she was Mia when she was at the shelter. We are so in love with our girl, she is the sweetest most patient loving girl. She is now a therapy dog! We're pretty sure she is a cat in a dog body. She is constantly in search for a warm spot to nap. She's the absolute best. She literally brought our whole street together during Covid everyone loves her. We
Just wanted you all to know Sadie is doing great! She goes on walks like a champ and loves to play! We are so lucky to have her! Thanks! 
Hello wonderful people! We welcomed Nova cat (shelter name: Porscha) into our home in Irvine yesterday and she's been settling in so well. She used her new litter box three times already, curiously sniffed every nook and cranny of her new home (which we've limited to one of our bedrooms for now so she can get settled in little by little), took a cat nap in her new cat cave, and sun bathed
Jabba is now known as Bronx. He and Biggie Smalls are besties, they get along really well and have even managed to learn to share toys!! Bronx has been a great addition to our family, he is super cuddly and loving life while staying far away from bees lol..  
Goldie is now Betty (After Betty White, Taylor Swift's song Betty, and Betty White was in Golden Girls which circles back to Goldie"¦). Bug remains Bug because all she does is BUG and bully Betty. Little stinker! Just thought I would update you all with how they're doing. They love lettuce and kale, don't enjoy bell pepper, and love diving face first into their newly-refreshed hay tray. They make
Just wanted to share a pic of the two conures that I adopted from you - they’re slowly getting along. Pepper is absolutely lovely! 
Artemis is doing very well in her new home with us. She's quite talkative and loves to be wherever we are hanging out, and sleeps right next to me at night. She's a total joy and a little snuggle bug too! Thank you so much for all that you do to keep these sweet animals safe and loved.
We adopted Cranberry (now Gigi) about a month ago and we just wanted to share a current pic of her new, spoiled life. She is happy as can be and such a little terror! Lol She is getting along with our two senior girls and when she's not playing with them she loves to sleep on her mom or dad's lap. Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting us bring our little treasure home. And please
Just wanted to give you an update on Peets who we have renamed Thor.  He has brought us so much joy after we lost our beloved family cat Tommy to cancer.  The spectacular thing about him is that he has taken to every single one of us, unlike some cats that pick only one family member to be "theirs". I've included the pictures of him at your shelter when I first visited and the
Loving his new home! 
Hello, my girlfriend and I adopted Baloo (Maui) a few months ago.  He was severely under socialized due to a hoarding situation where he was found  and we knew the time and patience we would have to invest in order to help Baloo.  At first we were very concerned at his fear of people and surroundings. But after a lot of love and attention he began to come around. He is 100% house
Hi there!! My husband and I adopted Pirate (now renamed to Poppy) in February after losing our 18 year old kitty to cancer, and we wanted to give you an update!! We love her so much! We can't imagine our home without her now. She really helped heal our hearts and her and our 16 year old senior have become buddies. She's so sweet, gentle, and just loves to cuddle. We're so grateful to have her!!
Here are some pictures of Cheddar now. He's a very handsome, and spoiled little boy!!  
Just sharing I adopted my kitten from you guys around a month ago and he is doing so well here and is so loved. He was the black kitten named Obsidian at the shelter and I renamed him Mowgli! It took 2 weeks to introduce him to my cat I already had but now they're great friends and they play and eat together and share their kitty tower! He is doing so well, he loves to play, and he loves to
In August of 2018 I adopted Kazoo who was thought to be about 4 years old. I thought he needed a companion, so in August of 2021 I adopted Blossom who is a senior (probably 10 to 14).  At first they just tolerated each other, but Blossom was determined to win Kazoo over. Whenever he is on this big pillow, she just gets on there too. So now they are best friends.   
I just wanted to send you an update and let you know that Poe (now Gryphon) has settled in so well with our family and is very loved. He purrs as soon as we go near him and pet him and flops on the floor for a belly rub. He loves to be on our lap for cuddles and is very affectionate. He has been very playful and wonderful with our two boys and dogs. What an amazing little cat he is.