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How to register for the COVID-19 Vaccine on County's Othena website

county of orange

If you are having trouble registering through the County of Orange's Othena website for a COVID-19 vaccine, don't fret. The County shared this short video featuring step-by-step instructions of how you can register online.

To view a list of folks eligible to receive a vaccine, visit https://occovid19.ochealthinfo.com/phased-approach-vaccine-distribution

For more information regarding the Orange County Health Care Agency's (HCA) COVID-19 vaccination program, visit http://www.ochealthinfo.com/novelcoronavirus or follow the HCA on Facebook (@ochealthinfo) and Twitter (@ochealth). Information is also available by contacting the County's COVID-19 Hotline at 714-834-2000 or via email at ETeam@ochca.com

The County on Thursday reported that the Disneyland Resort Super POD site was forced to close until Monday, Feb. 22 due to a lack in the vaccine supply. The Soka University POD site remains open to provide a second-dose Pfizer vaccine, dependent on the vaccine supply. Folks with appointments at the affected sites will receive a notification through Othena with information regarding rescheduled appointments.


Submitted by ngoc-oanh NGUYEN on Mon, 03/08/2021 - 8:00 pm


i got the first vaccine which is Pfizer at Ontario convention center .I would like to get the second dosw at your assigned location .

Submitted by Selma Ponsell on Mon, 03/15/2021 - 12:10 pm


Im 62 year old female, care giver to my 92 year old husband. He got 1st vaccine Feb. 2nd Moderna and 2nd one was due March 2nd however he has been in hospital for 2 back to back gallstones removal surgeries.
I'd like to get vaccination appointment at location nearest our zip code , 92701 for me & my husband. Would prefer drive thru as he is having trouble walking at the moment and will be released from hospital in a couple of days. Appreciate your assistance with this request.
Thank you very much.
Santa Ana, CA.

Submitted by Lou Rael on Tue, 03/30/2021 - 6:58 am


I am not able to submit my registration Information. Your cite does not explain why. Is the information incomplete or is there something wrong with my use of passwords....

Submitted by Ralph Correll on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 8:03 am


Same for me. No Matter what password I put in on the Othena registration it won't accept it. I followed the guidelines of numbers and letters, combination of upper and lower case, one special character and at least 8 characters. Nothing worked.

Submitted by Kory Mangum on Thu, 04/15/2021 - 3:13 pm


the queue is a scam!!! I registered a while ago and thought i was in a "queue", but the queue is a scam. i was not able to get a vaccine appointment with my current registration. i had to select an appointment then register with a different email to get an appointment. why do they say you are in a queue if everyone else can go in front of you!!!

Submitted by Pauline Abbott on Wed, 05/05/2021 - 6:02 pm


My first shot at Soka was entered on my vaccination card on 1st Feb. I just noticed my second shot at Soka on 21 Feb was not entered on my vaccination card. I plan to fly later this month, and may need proof of vaccination. How can I obtain this? Can you reassure me my second shot was recorded in your records?

Submitted by Sean Carillo on Wed, 09/01/2021 - 12:14 pm


Hello to whom it may concern at the City of MV:

Thank you for all your help and guidance during such a difficult time. Although I had some issues and grievances myself, I don't find it helpful to be whining like some of the other presumably more mature adults here whom I'm honestly surprised with more life experience that they find it useful to do so. So thank you from me at least.

I was a bit vonfused on if I was eligible to get a vaccine and when, and what was to best way to go about it. Like I was in the lowest tier I thought or whatever at the beginning so kind of resigned in trying for a while. But now hear children are getting it now. So there seems to be a gap in the information or definitively comprehensive, clear guidance on how to proceed. Regarding insurance status, or don't have insurance right now, (would like to get it if possible, but different topic altogether) so how does that affect my chance or ability to obtain a vaccine?

I have no hesitancy otherwise. What is the best/most authoritative source of information and assistance to get signed up today for those who have been ready and willing to get a shot, but just didn't have the necessary information for our local county and city? Thank you very much for all your time, and any assistance provided.


Shawn C

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