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Community Development

Temporary signs may be permitted pursuant to the permit procedures set forth in this division. Temporary signs shall not be located within any public right-of-way nor in any area which may constitute a safety hazard.

Permanent signs may be permitted pursuant to the permit procedures set forth in this division and shall be governed by the standards enumerated for each category of sign. In addition to such standards, consideration shall be given to building setbacks, landscaping, visibility of the sign on the site, and the proposed sign's relationship to the overall appearance of the property and to the surrounding neighborhood. Compatible design, simplicity, and sign effectiveness shall also be used as guidelines for sign approval.

A complete sign permit application and planned sign program application shall include fully dimensional plans drawn to scale. Application packages shall be submitted on 8 1/2 × 11 inch paper and shall include:

(a) A letter from the property owner and property management or homeowners association approving the permit and/or planned sign program and authorizing the applicant, if the applicant is not the owner, to submit the sign application on behalf of the owner.

A sign permit shall be required prior to the placement, movement, erection, reconstruction, alteration, or new display of any commercial sign unless expressly exempt by this division. All signs, except where expressly exempt, shall conform to the current Uniform Building and Electrical Codes as adopted by the City of Mission Viejo.

The approval of a planned sign program shall be required prior to application for a sign permit for the following requests:

(a) The following words, phrases, and terms as used in this chapter shall have the meaning as indicated below:

(1) Activity. A business establishment with direct access to a parking lot or public right-of-way, and under separate management from any other business establishment within the same building.

(2) Abandoned sign. Any sign which was lawfully erected, but whose use has ceased or whose structure has been abandoned by the owner thereof for a period of 90 or more consecutive days.

The purpose of this chapter is to establish guidelines and standards for the uniform regulation of signs and sign structures so as to assure adequate identification of businesses and other activities, as well as to maintain or improve the quality of the visual environment within the City of Mission Viejo. The procedures and regulations of this chapter are enacted to:

(a) Ensure that signs erected within the city are compatible with their surroundings and are in keeping with the goals and objectives of the general plan of the city.

Notwithstanding section 9.59.110, the following shall not constitute a public nuisance:

It shall be unlawful and it is hereby declared to be a public nuisance for any person owning, leasing, occupying or having charge of any residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial, business park, office, educational, religious, vacant or other property within the city to maintain such property in such a manner that any of the following conditions are found to exist thereon:

(a)   Animals. Animals, livestock, poultry or bees kept, bred or maintained for any purpose or in violation of any provision of the City Municipal Code. 

The Planning Division is responsible for implementing the City's Development Code and related goals, policies and objectives of the City's General Plan. The Planning Division processes land use and development applications, promoting public health, safety and general welfare to preserve or enhance the high quality of life in Mission Viejo. The Planning Division is also responsible for long range planning, housing issues and administering the Community Development Block Grant program.  The Planning Division provides support to the City's Planning and Transportation Commission.