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Mission & Vision

In 2015, the City of Mission Viejo contracted with Arts Orange County to develop a Cultural Arts Master Plan, defining the role of the City in supporting the arts and culture, and the role of arts and culture in accomplishing the City's broader goals.

Arts Orange County compiled data and research on the economic impact of the arts and culture sector and comparative data on municipal budgets for arts and culture locally and nationwide. They worked with City staff to review General Plan and Community Services Plan documentation as well as existing arts and culture offerings and facility space in the City.

In addition, Arts Orange County compiled information from residents and stakeholders about their aspirations and vision for arts and culture in the community. This process included:

  • Six meetings with the Master Plan Steering Committee
  • 36 face-to-face stakeholder interviews
  • Focus group with the City's Cultural Arts Committee members
  • On-site visits to organizations and venues throughout the city
  • A community forum with 40 attendees
  • An online survey with over 1000 respondents

The draft plan was evaluated over several months by an Ad Hoc Committee of the Community Services Commission, and their suggested revisions were incorporated into the plan. The revised plan was approved by the Community Services Commission in February of 2017, and adopted by City Council in March of 2017.