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police car with lights on

Council to consider awarding contract for Orange County Sheriff's Department Contract Law Enforcement Cost and Efficiency Study

The Mission Viejo City Council on November 28 will consider awarding a contract to Matrix Consulting Group to perform the Orange County Sheriff's Department (OCSD) Contrac

city seal

Second public hearing regarding potential district-based elections set for Nov. 28

The City Council on Tuesday, November 28 will host the second of five public hearings to discuss the City's interest in and the process for transitioning from at-large to

city seal

Second public hearing regarding potential district-based elections set for Nov. 28

The City Council on Tuesday, November 28 will host the second of five public hearings to discuss the City's interest in and the process for transitioning from at-large to

new Mission Hospital cancer center building design

Construction slated to begin after the New Year on Mission Hospital's new cancer center

Construction is expected to begin in January on Mission Hospital's new state-of-the-art cancer center that will be located on a portion of The Shops at Mission Viejo.

city seal

Mission Viejo Community Services Commission meets again in 2018

The Community Services Commission will host its next public meeting on January 16 after canceling its November 21 meeting.