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Scott Brick, Beau L’Amour, Jason Culp

Save the date for one-of-a-kind audiobook presentation Feb. 10 with Beau L’Amour, Scott Brick and Jason Culp

Beau L’Amour, son of the iconic Western writer Louis L’Amour, will join popular audiobook narrator Scott Brick and actor Jason Culp for a special pres

quilt art

Stunning quilt exhibit at Mission Viejo Library

The next time you drop by the Mission Viejo Library, check out the Yellow Line exhibit by Quilts On The Wall.

people looking at books

Holiday Friends Book Sale set for Nov. 19

Get a jumpstart on your holiday shopping at the annual Holiday Friends Book Sale Monday, November 19 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at 100 Civic Center Drive. 

old photograph

Learn how to identify old photos from genealogy expert Sept. 15

If you receive an old photograph collection filled with unidentified people, what can you do?

watercolor bird

Check out Reflections in Watercolor exhibit through Sept. 13

When browsing the bevy of books at the Mission Viejo Library, be sure to check out the exquisite “Reflections in Watercolor” exhibit on display.