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New webpage provides detailed information about accessory dwelling units


Because of new legislation passed in Sacramento over the last few years, Mission Viejo is starting to experience a consistent uptick in the number of inquiries about and permits for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).     

ADUs are small self-contained units with a kitchen, bathroom and sleeping area and can be attached to the main home with a separate entrance or located in the rear of the property or above a garage. Over the years, ADUs have been known by many names: granny flats, in-law units, backyard cottages, secondary units and more. The California Legislature recently said that "...ADUs are a valuable form of housing that meets the needs of family members, students, the elderly, in-home health care providers, people with disabilities, and others. The State sees them as an "innovative and effective option for adding much-needed housing in California." Cities cannot legally deny ADUs, and State ADU Law and recent changes to the law intend to address barriers, streamline approval, and expand potential capacity for ADUs to help address California's housing needs. For example, if someone applies to build an ADU pursuant to State law, the City of Mission Viejo must permit the ADU administratively and is not allowed to require the typical "Neighborhood Awareness" form which alerts neighbors of adjacent construction projects. ADUs must be allowed on any residential site, regardless of lot size, with minimum setbacks - as required by State law.        

To help educate residents and address concerns regarding this State legislation, the City created a detailed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page on its website. The FAQs page includes answers to questions like: "Is there a maximum size for ADUs; are ADUs exempt from parking requirements; and can my local homeowners association prohibit them?" The webpage also includes links to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and has a list of Mission Viejo properties that possess or have applied for ADU Building Permits.   

For more information, contact the City's Community Development Department at 949-470-3053 or cd@cityofmissionviejo.org.    


Submitted by Sharon Anderson on Fri, 01/13/2023 - 8:07 pm


So glad to see this. ADUs and JADUs are excellent options for our aging parents and/or grown children that are having difficulty finding affordable housing in our current economy.

Submitted by Cathy Palmer on Thu, 01/19/2023 - 5:09 pm


The Los Angeles Times has run a series of articles on how to plan for building an ADU. One consideration these article emphasize is the importance of being considerate of the impact of an ADU will have on your neighbors and your neighborhood. I know that the City cannot impose regulations on the design of ADU's, but it would be very useful if there could be a checklist of things to consider before building one of these units. One aspect that should be emphasized is thinking about how an ADU will impact your neighbors and your neighborhood. No one wants to see their property values go down because of a poorly designed unit on a neighboring property; this should be a consideration for those planning to add such a unit to their property as well. A well-designed ADU can add value to the property, but a poorly designed unit will detract from the owner's ability to sell the property in the future.

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