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Acts of kindness and generosity permeate Mission Viejo

During this pandemic, the stories of acts of kindness and generosity continue to show the wonderful spirit of our community. 


Calling all Mission Viejo residents graduating from high school and College!

With the COVID-19 crisis forcing schools to close, we want to honor high school and college graduates missing out on their milestone events.

4th of july street faire

July 4th Street Faire canceled amid COVID-19 concerns, but fireworks show expected to go on

The 2020 July 4th Street Faire won't be held in Mission Viejo this summer because of ongoing concerns a


Here’s how to properly dispose of medications, sharps during COVID-19 crisis

If you’re wondering what to do with your unused, expired medications or medical “sharps” during the quarantine, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) developed a campaign for safely disposing med


Chalk artist using talents to create masks and butterflies

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, Maribeth McFaul has been making masks to keep people safe – and now she is spreading joy around Mission Viejo through art.