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Business License & Permits

Business Licenses

Business licenses are not required for businesses located and operating in City of Mission Viejo; however, all new businesses are required to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy permit from the City's Building Services Division.

Business Permits

The City of Mission Viejo does not issue Business Licenses. However, some businesses require business permits (such as massage parlors, street vendors*, and non-profit door-to-door solicitations). Permits are issued by the Community Development Department at City Hall. Home-based businesses need to call that department at 949-470-3055 to inquire about rules and regulations.

* Unless otherwise exempted by SB946

Commercial Film Production Permits

The City of Mission Viejo encourages commercial filming and still photography. Permits are required for use of public-owned parks, parkways, and facilities. The City has many beautiful areas and facilities to offer film producers. For more information, please refer to the Film Production Application and City Ordinance

Please consult with Planning staff in the Community Development Department for a current copy of the Planning Division Fee Schedule.


"One-stop" state, local, regional and federal permit and licensing requirements. Visit calgold.ca.gov for more information.

California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA)

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers California's sales and use, fuel, tobacco, and alcohol taxes, as well as a variety of other taxes and fees that fund specific state programs. Visit cdtfa.ca.gov for more information.