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COVID-19 Residential Resources

CA Covid-19 Rent Relief

As of June 28, 2021, California critical eviction protections have been extended through September 30, 2021 to help keep California families in their homes. Additionally, the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program now covers 100% of unpaid and future rent and utilities for income-eligible renters and their landlords who have been impacted by the pandemic. Those who have already applied and received payment will receive additional funds to reach 100% compensation.

Interested landlords and renters can check eligibility and apply at HousingIsKey.com or by calling 833-430-2122. Applicants may qualify regardless of immigration status and will not be required to show proof of citizenship. All application information is kept private and will not be shared. Assistance from the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program does not count as earned income for renters, and will not interfere with eligibility for any other state benefit assistance programs. Read more about the program in the CA Covid-19 Apply Now Newsletter.

New State legislation AB3088 will protect tenants from eviction

New State legislation will protect tenants across California from eviction and property owners from foreclosure due to the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Gov. Gavin Newsom on August 31, 2020 signed the legislation, which protects tenants from eviction (before Feb. 1, 2021) for non-payment of rent due to a coronavirus-related hardship occurring between March 4 – August 31. For such hardship accruing between September 1 and January 31, 2021, tenants must also pay at least 25 percent of the rent due to avoid eviction. The bill also proposes some foreclosure protections to small landlords suffering from missed rent payments.

Tenants are still responsible for paying unpaid amounts to landlords, but those unpaid amounts can’t be the basis for an eviction. Landlords may begin to recover this debt on March 1, 2021. Landlords who do not follow the court evictions process will face increased penalties under the act.

To help rental owners comply with the numerous regulations included in the legislation, the California Apartment Association (CAA) launched a comprehensive website with numerous online resources to aid rental owners in navigating this new law. The website includes: 

  • Video overview of the bill
  • Executive summary of the bill 
  • Comprehensive overview of the bill 
  • Different forms, notices, and agreements landlords need to use to comply with the bill 
  • Information on the income-eligibility provisions in the bill 

For more information, visit the CAA website.

For answers to FAQ's, visit the CA.gov Housing is Key webpage.

CA.Gov: California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response

Get Financial help:

If you have been financially affected by COVID-19, you may be eligible for services such as:

  • Unemployment insurance
  • Paid family leave
  • Disability Insurance
  • Relief from financial institutions

See published resources for workers affected by COVID-19.

City of Mission Viejo and Governor Newsom's Executive Order Eviction Ordinances

The City of Mission Viejo has enacted an Urgency Ordinance (20-337) prohibiting or limiting residential and commercial evictions pursuant to and consistent with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-28-20. Also see revised Executive Order N-37-20.

What you need to know (in summary):

If you can’t pay rent due to reasons related to COVID-19 and to avoid eviction, you must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. You must have been up to date on paying the rent before the date of the executive order.
  2. Notify the landlord in writing before the rent is due, or within a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 7 days, that the tenant needs to delay all or some payment of the rent because of inability to pay the full amount due to reasons related to COVID-19 including but not limited to:

(i)The tenant was unavailable to work because the tenant was sick with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 or caring for a household or family member who was sick with suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19;

(ii) The tenant experienced a lay-off, loss of hours, or other income reduction resulting from COVID-19, the state of emergency, or related government response; or

(iii) The tenant needed to miss work to care for a child whose school was closed in response to COVID-19

  1.  The tenant retains verifiable documentation (i.e. termination notices, payroll stubs, paychecks, bank statements, etc.) to document and support the tenant’s financial situation and assertion of inability to pay.

No writ may be enforced while the Order is in effect to evict a tenant for nonpayment of rent who satisfies the above requirements.  The protections shall be in effect through May 31, 2020.

Orange County Economic Support

County grant will help 1,500 dislocated workers 

The County of Orange has received a $900,000 grant from the California Employment Development Department (EDD) to provide economic support for dislocated workers. 

Orange County residents whose employment recently ended as a result of COVID-19 are eligible for the Orange County Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) program. The program is designed to meet employer needs by helping job seekers upgrade skills, obtain employment, gain credential and improve job retention and increase earnings. 

The grant will support approximately 1,500 Orange County residents who have been financially impacted by COVID-19 and need assistance.

Orange County WIOA Adult & Dislocated Worker program participants are eligible to receive up to $800 reimbursement for essentials such as housing, utilities, childcare and transportation costs. 

Dislocated workers can enroll in WIOA through OC One-Stop Centers located in the cities of Irvine and Garden Grove. For more information, call the Economic and Business Recovery Call Center at 714-480-6500. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, OC One-Stop Centers are providing services by appointment only.

Great Plates Delivered

Great Plates Delivered seeking restaurants to service seniors during self-isolation. 

The County recently announced the Great Plates Delivered program to support seniors and local businesses needing assistance during the COVID-19 crisis. The program calls for local food providers to deliver three nutritious meals a day to folks at high-risk from COVID-19 to support them staying home and healthy. The program will also serve as a form of economic relief to local businesses and workers struggling to stay afloat during the pandemic.

In Mission Viejo, the City is working with Age Well Senior Services on the procedures for individuals to register for this service, which will be announced in the near future.  However, restaurants interested in applying for the program can find more details at this link or by calling 714-480-6450.

OCCS Workforce & Economic Development Division

For employees in need of assistance, the Orange County Workforce Development Board (OCWDB) and Orange County Community Services (OCCS) Community Investment Division have implemented multiple guides and resources.  Employees will find ways to stay informed; what to do if they become sick, laid off or their hours are reduced; and how-to YouTube videos to apply for unemployment or disability insurance. The guides also include details about managing finances; temporary or new employment opportunities; available jobs; government support like tax deferral; deferment of bills; Orange County One-Stop Centers for job seekers; and more. For more information, visit https://occommunityservices.org/cid.

Guides and Weblinks:

Other Support:


211 offers assistance finding food, paying house bills, or other essential services.

Family Assistance Ministries 

Provides case management and financial assistance to individuals and families. Financial assistance may include rent payment assistance, utility bill payment assistance, utility reconnection, water bill payment assistance, medical/ prescription payment assistance, bus passes, gas vouchers, financial management assistance, job search assistance.

Share Ourselves

Provides financial assistance to individuals and families. The following assistance may be provided based on available funding:  bus passes, electric service payment assistance, water service payment assistance, partial rent payment assistance, partial utilities reconnection fee (per household).

Family Crisis Center

  •  323-770-6775

Offers financial assistance and supportive services to veterans and their families without housing, living in or transitioning to permanent housing. People who are at risk of homelessness may receive financial assistance to prevent homelessness and people without housing may receive rapid re-housing financial assistance such as rental deposit assistance, short-term rental assistance, case management, financial planning, information and referral and assistance in obtaining veteran benefits. Outreach team is available.


The White House website has prepared information regarding the coronavirus including resources, updates and current information on the "plan to beat COVID-19."  The website details the current priorities "Combating COVID-19."  


The CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has the current health and medical information in regards to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Topics Include:

  • How to protect yourself.
  • If you think you are sick.
  • What you need to know.
  • Resources for the community.
  • COVID-19 cases in the U.S.
  • Latest updates / What’s new.
  • Information for healthcare professionals.

World Health Organizations (WHO) 

The WHO (World Health Organization) is the world’s leading health agency consisting of 7,000 people from more than 150 countries working in 150 country offices, in 6 regional offices and at its headquarters in Geneva. The organization's guiding principle that all people should enjoy the highest standard of health, regardless of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition, has guided WHO’s work for the past 70 years, since it was first set up as the lead agency for international health in the new United Nations system. In response to this recent pandemic the WHO has a dedicated web page to The Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019.


I can’t pay my rent, can I be evicted?  

Governor Newsom’s Executive Order and the City of Mission Viejo’s Urgency Ordinance prohibits tenant evictions if rent cannot be paid due to coronavirus-related issues until May 31, 2020.  There are guidelines provided that tenants need to follow including proper notification and documentation provided to the landlord to support your inability to pay rent.  Additional details are available in our Rental Assistance section in Urgency Ordinance (20-337) and Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-28-20, Executive Order N-37-20.

I can’t pay my mortgage; can the bank foreclose on my house? 

Many banks are offering help if you cannot pay your mortgage due to coronavirus-related events. If you can’t pay your mortgage due reasons related to COVID-19, contact your lender immediately.  There may be programs in place for people experiencing hardship. Banks are offering options such as forbearance relief, payment deferrals, and extensions.  Contact your bank to see what options are available to you. 

See this list of banks helping customers who are impacted by the coronavirus.