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Salary schedule

Staff Compensation

Every year or two, the City conducts a labor market review of 14 comparable cities to establish and update the City’s pay structures.  This market data, combined with job analysis and internal salary relationships, are used to determine appropriate pay grades for City jobs.  The established City Policy is to compensate employees at a level comparable to the median total compensation of the benchmarked positions in the comparator agencies, with salary ranges set at no less than median.

Salary Schedule  (Effective 2024-July 1)


The City issues paychecks on a biweekly basis every other Friday.  Benefits are deducted from paychecks twice a month. 2024 Payroll Calendar


City Council Compensation:

The stipend for City Council Members is set by ordinance, using the standards established in the Government Code for General Law cities. City Council Members currently receive $1,000.00 per month, and are eligible for retirement, health insurance, and other benefits.

Council Members also serve as the governing board for the Mission Viejo Housing Authority, the redevelopment Successor Agency and Library Board of Trustees, but do not receive any compensation for these duties. 

Agency Report of Public Official Appointment (Form-806)


City Manager Contract

City Manager Lister Contract effective July 6, 2024

Assistant City Manager/Director of Public Services

City Attorney Contract

Auto Allowance

At the discretion of the City Manager, an employee may be granted a fixed monthly allowance to offset the cost to the employee for using their personal vehicle while in the course of employment. Please see the attached table for a list of eligible job classifications

Mobile Device Use Allowance

At the discretion of the City Manager, an employee may be granted a fixed monthly allowance to offset the cost to the employee for using their personal cell phone and/or PDA to conduct City business, with the goal of providing an efficient method of enhancing the method of City employee communications, improving employee productivity, and facilitating the establishment and maintenance of a key component of the City communications network in the event of an emergency. Generally, the fixed monthly allowance ranges from $60 to $120. Please see Mobile Device Use and Allowance Personnel Policy for further details.