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blood crisis

Donate blood to help others and for the chance to win a Super Bowl getaway

The American Red Cross is facing a national blood crisis - its worst blood shortage in more than a decade - and is asking the public's help to help prevent further delays in vital medical treatment

blue lights

City Council meeting included 2022 goals and important proclamation

During the City Council's first meeting of the year on Tuesday, Mayor Wendy Bucknum presented her

alicia / jeronimo

Next phase of arterial slope rehabilitation project underway

As part of an ongoing effort to conserve water, benefit the environment and beautify Mission Viejo, the City has embarked on the next phase of arterial landscape slope rehabilitation along a stretc


New State Housing Laws equate to loss of local control, higher-density neighborhoods

Mission Viejo is feeling the impact of two high-profile State housing bills Gov.


Mission Viejo loves its BINGO!

Let's make one thing clear - we love our BINGO in Mission Viejo, and the City fully supports recreational activities like BINGO, bridge, ping-pong, and more.