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I have 3 from your shelter. First photo is Yvette - pure white - I adopted 03/2017.  Her name is now Boo.  This cat not a lap cat but absolutely lovely and entertaining.  And as soft as silk. Second photo is Raina - a funny faced tabby I got to be a playmate for Boo - I adopted in 09/2017.  Her name is now Minnow - abbreviated from Skinny Minnie - which she was when I got
Hi. Here is our sweet Selene. Thank you for the best $20 we ever spent. My mother-in-law was dying when we adopted her from you in Aug. She was nervous at first, but is such a joy to us, and has adjusted well to life with three dogs. She has learned to sit for a treat with them!
Just wanted to update you on our little family. We originally adopted Sage (grey) back in August 2015. And recently added Pam to the family in February 2018. They have become fast friends and constantly playing tag and running crazy in our house which is quite entertaining. We just want to thank you for enriching our family with our precious little fur babies. They are truly the cats meow!
Hi! Wanted to update the life of Butternut, now known as Leo. As you can see he has acclamated to his new home. He gets along well with the other fur babies here.
We adopted him on December 16.  We had a ten year dog and it was our first time as a cat owner. I can tell we fall in love right away . Thank you to the shelter staff for being so patient with us. Jesús is a very loving and playful kitty.
Hi! I just wanted to share an update on Dupree (now Mandalore). We are over the moon in love! He is such a good boy. He is doing great in his obedience classes. He is such a good big brother and doesn't mind letting his little sister play with him to her hearts content. He is so sweet and we are so blessed we found him and were chosen to adopt him. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 
Hello everyone, Wanted to give you an update on Jitterbug, from Tiny Dancer’s litter.  She is amazing!! She had her first check-up yesterday and even the vet fell in love with her.  Thank you so much for choosing my husband and I to be her new family.  
I wanted to give you an update on our Australian Cattledog, Hazel, we adopted September of 2016. She was fondly known as Kitty at the time. This dog is absolutely the goofiest, sweetest, most playful amazing dog I have ever owned. She lights up everyone’s face when they meet her. She thinks she is a chihuahua like her brother Sammie and will climb on your shoulders like a little dog. We are
Here are some pics of Baby Watusi, We've named her Ellie. She is the sweetest thing in the world and we just know she was meant to be a part of our family! Thank you for all you do for these sweet animals! Your facility is by far the most beautiful,  loving environment we encountered on our puppy hunt! We will definitely be back in the future when we're ready to grow our fur family.
Hello Friends! We adopted our sweet girl last Friday and are having so much fun with her! Her new name is Laila, it was Libby in the shelter. She loves all people and kiddos. We are working on getting her comfortable with other dogs. She is doing well in training and has been an absolute doll to play and cuddle with.  We thank Mission Viejo Shelter for letting us play with her at the
Just a quick note, we were home just an hour and hanging out in the room where we were planning on using to get him adjusted to our home but he was focused on getting out of the room.  So we introduced him to the house and based on the attached picture I think we made the right decision. Thanks for taking care of our new family member.
Little Miss one ear up is making her personality known! She is loving and grateful it seems to be adopted. She has 3-4 attacks of “the zoomies” per day, tearing around our big sectional sofa and generally cracking me up! She is anything but graceful chasing a mini tennis ball down the hall, dancing like a discoordinated tiny bear after the ball. She slept soundlessly in a crate, and is very
Hi! Wanted to give you an update on Benard (Tony). He’s an amazing companion. He’s still very well behaved. He’s livened up a lot and warmed up to me and my son. I want to think you guys for everything you do. 2018 has started out great for my family with this new addition to our family.  
Just wanted to give you a quick update on Benji (now Fozzie). He has been doing great! All three kids love him, and he loves all the attention and playtime they give him. He even gets along with the cat! We take walks around the lake a couple times a day. He’s been to the Irvine dog park quite a few times already. He gets along great with all the other dogs and loves the car ride there. He’s
Just wanted to give you a quick update on Benji (now Fozzie). He has been doing great! All three kids love him, and he loves all the attention and playtime they give him. He even gets along with the cat! We take walks around the lake a couple times a day. He’s been to the Irvine dog park quite a few times already. He gets along great with all the other dogs and loves the car ride there. He’s
We adopted "Sasha", now "Lola", back in October and wanted to share an update. She LOVES to play with her fur brother, Richie, and really gets a kick out of climbing and laying all over him. She also loves to chew on toys, give kisses and snuggle in laps. We are so thankful that she is a part of our family.
Both the boys are really settled in now. Even Shadowfax (Blaine) who has become very loving and affectionate and even more playful than Beren (Houdini). Now that Shadowfax is more social, Beren will sit on him even if we are already petting him.
We adopted our newest family member back in August and we couldn’t love her more! She is the sweetest, snuggliest, and funniest cat we’ve ever met. She loves her doggy brother and human siblings.
Pumkitten Pie has been with our family for almost two weeks and he’s doing great! He is coming around the family more and more every day. He loves to play and find cozy spots to take cat naps. We have renamed him Dusty, and sometimes call him King Dusty or Dustball. We love our new kitty! Thanks so much!
Just wanted to let you know Charlie and Randall (aka Frankie) are BBFs and Randall still loves Christmas. 
We adopted Nina about two months ago. She did need a family that would be patient with her puppy behavior. She is thriving, is super sweet, is very smart and learning very fast. She and my dog Cooper (seen in the picture below) are becoming best friends. Thank you MV Animal Shelter for choosing us to be her forever home and family.
Just an update and sincere thank you for hosting Winston until we were lucky enough to find him at MVAS. We named him Teddy and he is doing really well with other dogs in the neighborhood and at the beach.  He loves anyone in our busy holiday house, (except for people wearing hats which seems to be a theme with all my shelter dogs. He is such a sweet dog and is trying so hard to please - we
It was the 2-year anniversary of adopting Jason on Nov 21. Words cannot express the joy he gives me every day. He has two brothers and loves both of them, and they all play together. Thank you for my precious rescue!
We adopted Panini (soonafter renamed:  Chaka) in May. It did not take too long for her to become friends with out 16 year-old cat, Brocktoon. My daughter is in love with her (we all are). She is so happy here and we are so happy to have her!
Hello everyone at the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter!!! Big shout out to the ladies who run the kitten and cat rooms, because without their help we wouldn't have the two greatest kittens! My husband and I knew we needed to give some kitten a loving home so we got little Sparrow (little black kitten) in August of 2017 when she was 10 weeks old and she immediately fit right in with us and became the