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More Success Stories

Harley (formerly Lavender) is thriving and bringing us so much joy! Her bald patches are filling in and she is already queen of the castle. Her brother Jason watches over her. I love my adopted angels so much! ❤
Hi everyone! I just wanted to give you an update on Nala, since we adopted her on July 30. We love her and we think she's pretty happy too! Her and our other dog, Max, get along great - they are constantly playing. Their favorite is "Speedway" throughout the entire house, and it seems my bed is the best place to do a U-turn :) I've attached a picture of them, when they're in a "Pit Stop" and also
Monica's new name is Abbey. We love her already.
When we brought the cats home, they were terrified. For about two weeks. Then all of a sudden, they followed us and talked to us constantly and were sleeping in the girls rooms with them. We couldn't have found a better match for our family during the worst time. Thank you so much for those hilarious sisters that brought laughter and joy back in to our home! We don't know how we have survived
Hello! I adopted Wolfie from the shelter back in July, I meant to write sooner but kept forgetting! Initially when I saw Wolfie in the shelter, he was very reserved and did not seem to like me. However, I liked him very much and took a chance and adopted him. When I first looked into his big yellow eyes, I knew that there was hope for him and as soon as I took him home, he warmed up to me. Since
Hi, this is Lacey speaking. Mom named me that because my white lacy collar is the only way she could tell me and my brother Dandy apart at the beginning. Our little personalities have emerged quite a bit, though. You can see how daintily I am eating my Dentastix in the picture, while Mom refers to Dandy as a pork chop. He gobbles everything right down! We have learned SO MUCH in three weeks: how
Been a while since we had a kitten, forgot how fun they are. Kolohe loves his big brother Troubadour (formally Sam) who we had rescued from MV animal shelter 2 yrs ago. We love them both so much!
(Here are) some more pic's of Ollie Joe. I love him so much and he has changed my life! (Ollie was adopted in May of 2016):
Zeke pretty much was at home from the point he got here. He had to figure out the stairs and not to run too fast or he would roll down them. Harley on the other hand was not too friendly. Took about a week for the two to become best buds. They spend time grooming each other now. Zeke has seen the vet three times for all his kittens shots. He is so calm there it is amazing. He has gone from 3.2
Hi Alex and staff! We just adopted Izzy a couple hours ago and she is already calming down and making herself at home and getting along with the other 2 dogs and 2 rabbits! I think she is quite happy and she will be a great addition to our family!!! Thank you.
Just wanted to let you know that Spritzer(Dani) and Liv(Margaery) are doing great! We love them!!!
Owner Trudy and her husband adopted three sister kittens on June 29th and they already look like they have made themselves quite at home!
We got Teddy (Teddy Bear) almost 5 months ago and he is loving life!! He is the biggest snuggle bug and loves testing his limits! Such a sour patch kid but we couldn't imagine what life would be like without him! He is very active but also enjoys his downtime. He was very timid at first but now he dominates this house! Teddy is king of our castle for sure!
Bugsy was adopted in October of 2014 and owner Lauren makes sure to send us updates periodically, which we love! Here is Bugsy staying cool on a warm summer day! He sure found his purrfect home!
Hello! Update on Brad. Brad is healthy and happy! We couldn't imagine life without him! He loves naps and chewing his toys.
We adopted Ziggy (aka dale) four weeks ago. He has brought us so much love and laughter. We love feeling his sweet little body next to our toes while we sleep. He had an easy transition into our family. He was so meant to be ours. Thank you for choosing us to bring Ziggy into our home. We love him.
Hello Mission Viejo Shelter! We wanted to give you an update on Polly, our beautiful rescue from your shelter. She's been living the good life now for several weeks and just loving it. As you can see from the pictures she's spoiled with love and fits right in. Her favorite things are curling up for afternoon naps on my husband's lap while he works from home, playing tug-of-war with her brother
We have had Penny for a month now and she has gained so much confidence, she is super loving and beginning to be protective of our family, we love her.
Ollie was relinquished to us on May 4th and was adopted a short time later on May 28th. He is settling in wonderfully in his new home! His new mom has already sent us many photos:
Thought we might stop by and show you Willow. She is a wonderful dog and is so happy. She loves car shows...
Hi everybody! I love this house and family! They walk me everyday! And they train me everyday in the new stuff Paul gives us! I know check and come and out and off (out and off are the hardest). I try really hard not to pull when i am leashed, and I know I am doing really well when they tell me I'm a good Buddy! The best thing about this family is that they touch me all the time!!!!!! It makes my
Hello!!! On March 21, 2015 I adopted an albino rabbit named Nickel :) I wanted to send you updated photos because I remember a few women who helped us out were both sad and happy to see him go since he had been there for over a year. He is doing a lot better now that we've gotten used to each other and is more affectionate and comfortable where he lives. Thank you so much for all that you have
Hi Animal Shelter Team: This Saturday will be 5 weeks ago that I brought "Taffy" home. That was a wonderful day for me and I am hoping it was for her also. She spent the first 20 minutes investigating every nook and cranny till she decided everything was okay. She seemed very calm and was very friendly and gentle with my daughter and sister who was waiting to visit us when we got home. She kept
Hope all is well. Just sharing a couple more pictures for you. The little pups are almost a year old, next month. Wow! Dilly is now 11.5lbs and long ☺She and Rose get on so well as you can see. Dilly is a sweetie girl and has such a nice temperament. She loves everyone and most dogs except is a bit scared of big dogs of course. Thank you again for entrusting her care to us. She has already
Is enjoying a fire on a cool day; couldn't imagine life without him! Thanks again MV shelter!