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Hello! I adopted Wolfie from the shelter back in July, I meant to write sooner but kept forgetting! Initially when I saw Wolfie in the shelter, he was very reserved and did not seem to like me. However, I liked him very much and took a chance and adopted him. When I first looked into his big yellow eyes, I knew that there was hope for him and as soon as I took him home, he warmed up to me. Since he is a black cat, I wanted to give him a name to reflect his look. I renamed him Nosferatu (because of his fangs and long claws) and call him Tutu for short! He has such a sassy personality and brings so much joy into my life. He loves sleeping on my bed and cuddling. He follows me all around the house and is friendly with everyone who comes over. Sometimes when he's really happy he sticks his tongue and every now and then he gives out little eskimo kisses (by putting his nose to mine)! Adopting him was the best decision I ever made!!! I've attached some pictures below!